Forum Discussion

mrauf's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

FSAUTILITY restore all files and replace placeholders


I  am facing issue to restore all files to another location/shared path of archived file server, I am using the following command to restore on differnet path.


fsautility -t -s "\\FileServer1\Linking"  -l 0


Error: The path \\FileServer1\Linking
is not associated with an archived volume. If you migrated placeholders to this location, let the File System Archiving task process the volume, then
stop the task and re-run this command




  • i covered this process in a recent post. might be easier to use archivepoints.exe

  • Have you tried:

    FSAUTILITY -t -s \\source\share -d \\dest\share

  • You will need to check SQL to determine what the VolumeEntryId is for that volume.  If you added a folder target and choose to create an Archive Point then that would possibly create a duplicate archive.  

    USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory

    SELECT * from FileServerVolumeEntry 

    WHERE VolumeName = 'DOKAEP' 

    From this you can then obtain the VolumeEntryId for the DOKAEP volume. With this number you can perform another query. 

    USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory

    SELECT * from FileServerVolumeArchiveEntry 

    WHERE VolumeEntryId = 'Number_from_first_query'

    This may not return any rows, which would seem to be the indication from the error.  If so, then the volume will need to be associated with the archive.   I would suggest opening a Support case so that they can walk you through the correct process. 

  • i covered this process in a recent post. might be easier to use archivepoints.exe