Forum Discussion

AntBar's avatar
Level 5
10 years ago

Restore with FSAUtility

Hi everybody,

I need your help to explain me why my restore doesn't work.

We have a fileserver which has been archived by EV. I'd like to restore all items archived to another disk. So, I use fsautility : fsautility -t -s \\sourceshare -d \\destinationshare.

Why restore to another location ? In fact, we have to move all data (except EV directories) to another disk. Once, data were moved, we have replace disk letter to original. Old data disk used another letter.

We have this result :

fsautility -t -s \\sourceshare -d \\destinationshare

FSA Data Mover Utility.
Symantec Enterprise Vault.
Copyright (c) 2010. Symantec Corporation.

Restore files
Source      : \\sourceshare
Destination : \\destinationshare
Note: File restore operation has been started.

The XML file created doesn't show any files to be restored.

Application Event is empty. DTRACE is not explicit (there is no error)

So, why my items aren't restored ?

  • according to the results you posted from running ArchivePoints.exe find \\fileserver\share, your archive point is at \\fileserver\share\folder1 so the syntax would be:

    fsautility -t -s \\fileserver\share\folder1 -d \\destinationshare

  • add -l 0 to your fsautil command to enable logging and see what it says

  • Thanks Andrew.

    With -l 0, xml file is generated but doesn't contains any information :

    "Restore files



    Time:20/05/2015 08:57:10


    Nothing else


  • i'm thinking maybe there's a problem with the \\sourceshare path. can you run these two commands and post the results:

    ArchivePoints.exe find \\sourceshare


    ArchivePoints.exe read \\sourceshare

  • Hum, I hope my post is explicit...

    To complete this case, my file server is now configured with two shares :

    - sourceshare (= original share with EV) - \\fileserver\share

    - destinationshare (=actual share). \\fileserver\shareproduction

    So the result of these commands :

    ArchivePoints.exe find \\fileserver\share

    ArchivePoints.exe read \\fileserver\share

    \\fileserver\share : Archive point on the specified folder does not exist.

    ArchivePoints.exe find \\fileshare\productionshare

    Listing Archive Points ...

    So there is a mismatch between archivepoint and file share. Now, how can I readjust this configuration ?


  • the issue is that you dont have an archive point at \\fileserver\share. therefore:

    run fsautil with the source \\fileserver\share\folder1

    then with the source \\fileserver\share\folder2

    and so on

  • Which syntax do I use for fsautil on \\fileserver\share\folder1 ?

    I must'nt create archive point on this folder before (with archivepoint.exe) ?

  • according to the results you posted from running ArchivePoints.exe find \\fileserver\share, your archive point is at \\fileserver\share\folder1 so the syntax would be:

    fsautility -t -s \\fileserver\share\folder1 -d \\destinationshare

  • Okay. Restore is OK ! Thanks for your help.

    Finally files operation has been more complicated.

    So, did you know a command to list all snub already present on fileserver ?



  • sure, check out this thread