Get out from under shared SIS parts?
This is an EV 9.0.2 environment.
I have two Vault Store Groups, VSG1 and VSG2.
VSG1 contains 3 (Vault1, Email, Journal) vault stores which are configured for sharing within the group.
I want to delete Vault1 however due to the "share within group" setting the VS won't delete until all the shared items expire which is a long ways off.
If I create new vault stores in VSG2 and use the Move Archive Wizard to migrate the archives from VSG1\Email and VSG1\Journal into these new vault stores will that allow me to delete the old vault stores contained in VSG1?
My guess is that this will work but wanted to ask the community as there may be an easier way to accomplish what I'm trying to do.
thank you.
Yeah your only option is to export to another vault store that doesn't share those items already....
So what you would really have to do is
1. Identify the Archives those shared items belong to
2. Export the archives out from VSG1 to another vault store group
3. Once completed, delete the Vault Store
And for the move to happen you will have to hope there are no legal holds and such placed on it
If you move the Archive from Vault1 to another Vault Store within the same vault store group, it will simply end up resharing to the existing DVSSP items. unless you move it to a vault store that shares within the vault store only and not the VSG