Forum Discussion

206Ray's avatar
Level 2
11 years ago

How do you verify custodian is on litigation hold.

We use the Clearwell eDiscovery Platform to put a custodian on hold in Enterprise Vault. How can you verify the hold in EV?, How can you verify the hold in Clearwell?

  • i also found these posts which might be helpful:

5 Replies

  • Legal hold in Clearwell is a notification and tracking module. (We also have a clearwell forum where you can talk about this more.)

    In EV, you don't really put custodian's on legal hold, you put archived data on legal hold. The data might belong to one or more custodians.

    Back to Clearwell, it can do a "copy and preserve" method of legal hold or it can do in-place legal hold in which case it flags each item in the EV database so EV knows it can't be changed or removed.

  • Thanks for the reply Andrew. How can I verify that the flags are set on the items when I've initiated an in-place legal hold? Sorry but this is kind of new to me and there is an abundance of documentation that is taking a lot of time to sift through. If you have reference to any particular documentation that would be helpful.

  • try script #4 from this technote:

  • i also found these posts which might be helpful:

  • Thank you Andrew, both your suggestions are helpful in moving me forward.