Index failed, rebuilding failed
EV 7
Since yesterday, I have my journal index that is failed. I tried updating, rebuilding.
Same problem:
Any ideas?
I'm in the process to upgrade to 7.5 and to 8.0 now... Can I go on, or I absolutely need to resolve this probleme before?
Event Type: Error
Event Source: Enterprise Vault
Event Category: Index Server
Event ID: 7292
Date: 01/09/2009
Time: 12:41:47 PM
User: N/A
Computer: MPNB
The index volume has been marked as failed.
Index Volume: 1A7FB75B876917D42B2958BCB621DB2C31110000evsrv/Volume:98 (Ev7journal)
Index Volume Path: E:\Enterprise_Vault\Indexing\1A7FB75B876917D42B2958BCB621DB2C31110000evsrv_2651158
Reference: Too many consecutive failed items
Due to errors accessing the index volume it has been marked as 'failed' to prevent further errors. The index volume will remain inaccessible until it has been repaired.
Event Type: Warning
Event Source: Enterprise Vault
Event Category: Index Server
Event ID: 7291
Date: 01/09/2009
Time: 1:05:22 PM
User: N/A
Computer: MPNB
Index update abandoned.
Index: 1A7FB75B876917D42B2958BCB621DB2C31110000evsrv/Volume:98 (Ev7journal)
Update started: 2009-09-01 13:04:07
All previous attempts to process the update request have failed. To prevent further failures the update is being abandoned.
if you have any other event log enteries would be helpful and also do a DTrace of the indexbroker service and the storagebroker service in verbose mode when you attempt the repair and attach the output file so we can see the result
There is a way to set a poison pill setting in the registry to bypass the default number of failures to allow your index to rebuild but you will be missing items in the index after it completes
Here is how to make the setting
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Indexing\PoisonPillCount
Default: 1
This will set the number of attempts to process an item before it is deemed to be a poison pill. The action taken depends upon what's being processed...
After PoisonPillCount consecutive failed attempts to open an index volume it is deemed to be corrupt and is marked as 'failed'
After PoisonPillCount failed attempts to add an item to the index the addition is abandoned and the index update steps onto the next item.If you do not have the following then please create it, if you do then change the value to '100000' :-
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Indexing\MaxConsecutivePoisonPillItems
Default: 100
The maximum number of consecutive poison pill items before an index update is deemed to be a poison pill and abandoned. The index update will be restarted on indexing service restart or the hourly check for pending updates.Remember please backup your registry before making any changes and this setting is to be removed after you rebuild the indexa