Rebuild index fail
We are using EV 10.0.1,
WHen I rebuild the index, it will fail, although if I retry , it will resume but it will fail again.
The error " THe rebuild subtast has failed" Error Code 57 ,
Description : Error reported with no detail.
Any Idea?
Do I need to reinstall the index service and how?
Where are you seeing that error?
Do you have anything in the Event logs that indicate any other errors?
If the Error Code 57 is a win32 error message (which i think it might be) then it means
"A network adapter hardware error occurred"
So would make sure that the NIC Bindings of your network card are ok, and that the NET TCP Port Sharing service is started and that the Indexing Service itself is working, along with IIS
Is the Index Service local to the machine or is it on a dedicated server?
has it ever worked before?
Do other index queries like searches work ok?
Do you have a screenshot of the exact error?That is really really odd that you'd get an access denied on your own server.
OK so for this user, the vault store they belong to , is it hosted by the same EV Server thats doing the indexing?