Forum Discussion

evinfo's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

Ingesting PST data under Managed Folders

All - we have published "Managed Folders" for different retention period to users.

eg. Mailbox\Managed Folders\1 Year - working folder

eg. Mailbox\Managed Folders\2 Year - longterm folder

Now we would like to ingest user PSTs via multiple methods into the user archives under the above folders.

eg. If we were to ingest PST1 into 1 Year - working folder, we would like to see below

Mailbox\Managed Folders\1 Year - working folder\PST Folder1

Mailbox\Managed Folders\1 Year - working folder\PSTFolder2


Is it possible to ingest PSTs into an archive not only the root folder level of the mailbox but at subfolder levels? I've tested it and I could only create a folder at the root mailbox level only.

Any advise would be helpful.

  • In case where mailbox folder sturuture is like below due to retention period

    eg. Mailbox\Managed Folders\1 Year - working folder
    eg. Mailbox\Managed Folders\2 Year - longterm folder

    You select your PST in outoook (or suggest same users to do) and create folder sturuture like below inside the PST
    Managed Folders\1 Year - working folder\PST_Folder1

    And run wiard based PST migration, during PST Migration where you need to specifiy migration settings.

    Select "Root folder" and select "merged" option, which combine the folder structure of an imported PST with the existing folder structure.
    (Like screeenshot)

    In another PST you can create struture like "Mailbox\Managed Folders\2 Year - longterm folder\PST_FOLDER2"

    I hope above option may give some futher idea in order to archive what exactly you want.

4 Replies

  • What did you put in your migration policy? And what happened with a PST imported that way?
  • In case where mailbox folder sturuture is like below due to retention period

    eg. Mailbox\Managed Folders\1 Year - working folder
    eg. Mailbox\Managed Folders\2 Year - longterm folder

    You select your PST in outoook (or suggest same users to do) and create folder sturuture like below inside the PST
    Managed Folders\1 Year - working folder\PST_Folder1

    And run wiard based PST migration, during PST Migration where you need to specifiy migration settings.

    Select "Root folder" and select "merged" option, which combine the folder structure of an imported PST with the existing folder structure.
    (Like screeenshot)

    In another PST you can create struture like "Mailbox\Managed Folders\2 Year - longterm folder\PST_FOLDER2"

    I hope above option may give some futher idea in order to archive what exactly you want.

  • Thank you for the info. That definately is a workaround but I'm surprised that the EV PST wizard does not recognize folder 2 level deep from root. The above solution would require a lot of manual work as we have, as you could image, thousands of PSTs and we would have to create the Retention folders in them and drag all of the PST folders into them.

    Not sure if there will be enahancement in the future to help with this.

  • I did few testing my lab but could not found any way to put data inside folder which comes afterr root, Definately This should go as Enhancement request.