Forum Discussion

brunosousasf's avatar
9 years ago

Install CHF5 EV11.0.1 - problems and recommendation

Hi !

We use Enterprise Vault 11.0.1 CHF1 and we want upgrade to 11.0.1 CHF5 .

Someone there already this update?

What are the recommendations based on the experience? And how long does this update?

Thank you.


  • Hello Bruno,

    We've applied CHF5 to several installations, and it takes about 20 to 30 minutes to finish. Following instructions, install CHF5, run the EVDatabaseUpgrader.exe, then start services. Works like a charm.

    No issues encountered.

  • Hello Bruno,

    We've applied CHF5 to several installations, and it takes about 20 to 30 minutes to finish. Following instructions, install CHF5, run the EVDatabaseUpgrader.exe, then start services. Works like a charm.

    No issues encountered.