Forum Discussion

rbollinger1212's avatar
7 years ago

Journaling mailbox task fails.

Hey Guys, 

I am trying to figure out why EV sometimes pulls messags out of hte journal mailbox correctly and other times just sits there and does nothing. 

So far, Mailbox Sync's without issue, services, tasks started. The number of items does update when the sync process is run. 

I enabled DTRACE and am seeing 100's of these errors here:

I looked but wasnt able to find much on those. Any assitance would be most appreciated. 




15 Replies

  • Hi Robert,

    You did not really past eventid's I'm afraid, but links to the Symantec KB's. Old stuff :-)

    Which EV version?

    I (probably) have the same. Most of the time, it is a corrupted item in Journal Mailbox sitting in ' pending archiving' for a loooooong time. I found the only way to workround/fix is to go through the Journal Mailbox(es), and to move items that are old (I tend to look at older than 14 days) to a NEW subfolder underneath the Enterprise Vault Journaling Service folder. When placed in a new folder, the item will not be returned to the inbox if you restart the task, but will remain searchable with a Discovery search in Exchange.

    If the Journal item count goes up (use powersheel to count items in Journal Mailboxes, like every 2/3 hours, to monitor archiving from the other end), we change journal rules to 'free' the journalmailbox having issues. Eventually the item count goes down.

    I do know that the advise is to 'investigate the corrupt item'. I try to drag the item to another Journal Mailbox, or out on the desktop, and then open the message. If that works, usually the item then archives. I have a series of known mails which seem to arrive corrupt.


    • rbollinger1212's avatar
      Level 4

      This is the hated EV 11. We are working to get upgraded to EV 12 so veritas will be cool with us again, that upgrade is supposed to happen next weekend. 

      I went through and deleted any messages that failed to journal (looked for errors in outlook). 

      I also went through and dumped the items from the j2 folder (MSMQ) 

      I am now resetting the messages that are in a pending archvie state to ipm.note. 

      Hopefully the above will fix this issue. 



    • rbollinger1212's avatar
      Level 4

      Andrew. SMTP Jouranling is something to consider for the future. However what i need now is to get these 400K messages into Vault. 


      • arnoldmathias's avatar
        Level 4

        We have this issue often where the Journaling Task just sits idle without archiving any new emails from the Journal Mailbox. We noticed that there are duplicate entries in the J3 queues in MSMQ and the solution provided by Support was to clear these entries manually without any root cause analysis.

        So we ended up clearing the J3 queues manually (am now doing it via Powershell) and restarting the tasks every few hours so that Journal Archiving works without idling. Maybe this will help you.

        #stop service
        Stop-Service "EnterpriseVaultTaskControllerService"
        #clear J3 queue
        Get-MsmqQueue | where {$_.queuename -like "*private$* j3*"} | Clear-MsmqQueue
        #clear MAPI profiles
        Get-ChildItem -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\Profiles" | Where-Object {$_.PSChildName -like "*EV*"} | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse
        #start service
        Start-Service "EnterpriseVaultTaskControllerService"