The Exchange mailbox provisioning task found enabled mailboxes that are not part of a provisioning group. These mailboxes cannot be archived. If you do not want these mailboxes to be archived, use the Administration Console to disable them. See the provisioning task report for further details (full reports only).
Managed Folder Summary:
Managed Folders: 0
Managed Folders added\Updated: 0
Managed Folders deleted: 0
Provisioning Group Summary:
Allow Delete [DISABLED]:
Mailboxes added: 0
Mailboxes updated: 1
Mailboxes relinked: 0
Mailboxes ignored because already processed: 0
Provisioning targets that returned no mailboxes: 0
Users without a mailbox: 0
New mailboxes ignored because of existing entries in the Enterprise Vault database: 0
Journal mailboxes found: 0
Users with mailboxes outside the current domain: 0
Users whose mailboxes were not synchronized: 0
Errors: 0
2270 Fix:
Mailboxes added: 0
Mailboxes updated: 1
Mailboxes relinked: 0
Mailboxes ignored because already processed: 0
Provisioning targets that returned no mailboxes: 0
Users without a mailbox: 0
New mailboxes ignored because of existing entries in the Enterprise Vault database: 0
Journal mailboxes found: 0
Users with mailboxes outside the current domain: 0
Users whose mailboxes were not synchronized: 0
Errors: 0
Report Button [DISABLED]:
Mailboxes added: 0
Mailboxes updated: 1
Mailboxes relinked: 0
Mailboxes ignored because already processed: 0
Provisioning targets that returned no mailboxes: 0
Users without a mailbox: 0
New mailboxes ignored because of existing entries in the Enterprise Vault database: 0
Journal mailboxes found: 0
Users with mailboxes outside the current domain: 0
Users whose mailboxes were not synchronized: 0
Errors: 0
Default Group [DISABLED]:
Mailboxes added: 1
Mailboxes updated: 5478
Mailboxes relinked: 0
Mailboxes ignored because already processed: 3
Provisioning targets that returned no mailboxes: 0
Users without a mailbox: 1
New mailboxes ignored because of existing entries in the Enterprise Vault database: 11
Journal mailboxes found: 2
Users with mailboxes outside the current domain: 0
Users whose mailboxes were not synchronized: 0
Errors: 0
Running the sync of the Journal task results in the same error above.