Forum Discussion

PATRICK_Kitchen's avatar
17 years ago

Licensing Problems

Hello Team,
I have a problem, can anyone advise, we are currently at EV6SP2 and about to upgrade to EV7SP2, but first I want to move the SQL database.
Rather than ploughing in and doing this straight away I though I will build an envronment in VM to test both the moving of the database and the upgrade to EV7, has not bothered about licesing since it is only going to last a month or six weeks at the most.
The problem I have is that when I copy the current licence files from our live server to the current testing VM Evserver it comes up with "No Valid License Key - you will not have full functionality"
Have put the three text file in there own directory and in the route of the Program files\enterprise vault directory.
Have started and stopped the admin service but no luck, have even shut the server down but as soon as you hit the EV Console it give the same message.
HELP Please
  • Patrick
    Ev7 i think uses an slf file, whereas ev6 uses the <evserver1>.txt.
    so EV 7 environment wont recognise the txt files.
    hope that makes sense.