Forum Discussion

Jim_Hellewell's avatar
10 years ago

Link for archived SharePoint 2013 doc does not work


I have set up SharePoint 2013 Archiving in my test lab, initially with a rule that checks for the column "Archive" being set to yes for certain documents. On the next archive run, documents that match the rule are archived, so its like manual archiving.

The issue is that although the documents do get archived, and a 1K shortcut replaces the document, the link does nor work.

I can use the Archive Search web part to find the doc in EV, and I can access it, and I can access it via Version History, but not from the shortcut.

There are no errors in the event logs.

Does anyone have any ideas ?




5 Replies

  • what version of EV and what happens when you click on the shortcut?

  • Did you install the EV placeholder service on the SharePoint server?  And is it running with the VSA credentials?

  • Hello, thanks for the replies.

    AndrewB, I am using 10.0.4 with CHH 3 installed.

    SHI-CRO, I don't think I have installed the EV Placeholder server, I haven't come across that anywhere in the documentation. Is that in the \Server directory ?

    When I try to use the shortcut, I just get the message from MS Word, "Could not open Documents/Doc.docx"




  • have a look at page 17 of the Setting_up_SharePoint_Server_Archiving.pdf for how to install the Enterprise Vault components on the SharePoint server

  • I have installed the components as per the doc, thats the first thing I did.

    This should just work I guess, as its a basic thing to click on the shortcut.

    Also when I found the doc through the Archive Search web part, and clicked on it, I got an error regarding not being able to contact the claims to windows token service.. this service was disabled on the sharepoiint server, so I enabled it and started it, but still no joy.

    Any ideas anyone ??