Forum Discussion

Majid's avatar
Level 5
13 years ago

Multiple EV sites pointing to same exchange server and moving users between sites

 Hi guys,

Need to verify an EV design for a company

Current Environment :

Company currently has EV 7.5 running in a clustered environment and is archiving 394 mailboxes. The archiving process has been stopped since the past 1 and a half years so no new emails have been archived since that time and the archive enabled users only utilize EV to retrieve the older archived emails. There are 2 vault store partitions 1 TB each. Collections was enabled on one of the vault store partitions and so there are cab files in that partition.

 Proposed Solution :

Company has now bought 3000 EV licenses for mailbox archiving and wants to implement a fresh & clean EV solution. So now the idea here is to install a new EV 10 server in a new EV site. This EV server will also archive from the same target exchange server as the EV 7.5 server. Users which are not enabled  for archiving on the EV 7.5 server will be enabled  gradually on this server. So at this point of time there will be two EV setups working in parallel however as mentioned earlier archiving process has been stopped on the EV 7.5 server. EV 7.5 server will then be upgraded to EV 8.0 SP4. Once upgraded the ‘Move Archive’ feature will be utilized to move the archives between the two EV servers in the two sites. The steps will be;

  1. Disable the user for archiving on the EV 8.0 server.
  2. Add the user in provisioning group on the new EV server and then enable his mailbox for archiving.
  3. Use the Move archive wizard to move the user archive on the new EV server.

This is possible because as per EV whitepaper ( pg 23 ), it is mentioned that an Archive move from an archive associated with a mailbox that is disabled for archiving  to an archive associated with a mailbox enabled for archiving is allowed and also it will display a mailbox GUID match if the mailbox is the same.

Once the move is done and it is successful user archive can be deleted from the old EV server.

After moving all archives decomission the old EV server.

Need advice from you guys, if this will work or anything else is recommended



  • Move Archive does not work between version 8 and version 10, works only between version 8 SP4 and version 9 and between version 9 SP1 and version 10. Confirmed from Symantec backline team. Anyways the design worked where I was targeting the same exchange server from two different EV servers in two different sites and it works without any issues. Now to just get around this moving archives thing. As suggested earlier by Tony and Bruce moving archives using Move Archive for a large number of mailboxes is not feasible with Move Archive. I am looking into Archive shuttle or transvault as a third party solution for moving archives. Thanks for the help guys.


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