Forum Discussion

durtynacho's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

Multiple questions regarding EV migration/refresh

I am getting ready to upgrade EV 9.0.2 to version 10 while refreshing our entire environment, and wanted to run a few goals by everyone and obtain some feedback.


Current environment:

EV 9.0.2 on a Windows 2003 x64 virtual server. All vault stores and indexes on a SAN using SAS disks (we have some SAN contention). About 10TB of vaulted data.

Discovery Accelerator on a Windows 2008 R2 virtual server.


Future environment:

EV 10.0 on a Windows 2008 R2 virtual server. New server will have fresh LUN's on a new SAN aggregate that the current archives will have to be migrated to. Our vault stores are a mess and are on a x32 aggregate, so our desire here is to migrate them to a x64 aggr and standardize/clean the layout in one swift action.

Discovery Accelerator 10.0 on a Windows 2008 R2 physical server using local storage (15k RPM SAS disks), along with the EV index task. The idea is to offload the index I/O from the SAN, getting it onto a dedicated physical machine so it has dedicated resources. Adding the Discovery Accelerator role to the same server as the index task is just so searches are local to the machine and have the best performance possible.


Migration Plan:

Stand up new EV 10.0 virtual server and DA 10.0 physical server. Manually configure both and have them reside in the same site (don't use the migration packager). This means there will be mixed versions co-existing in the same EV site, which I *think* is ok. Create new vault stores on the new LUN's and have them ready to receive data. Create new index on the physical server as well.

All that should be left at that point is to move the archives, and upon moving them we should be able to select a new index location (the physical server), correct? Has anybody had issues moving an archive from 9.0 to 10.0? Upon completing a move for an archive, the new index server should build the index, making that archive searchable, and all archived items should have their shortcut path updated to reflect the new archive location (on the new server), making things transparent to end users, correct?

Any issues with having DA 10.0 co-exist as the index task only? I know it can reside on the same server as an entire active instance of EV, but what about just one task?

Any feedback would be most appreciated.

  • The Server Settings Migration Wizard allows you to migrate from version 9 to version10.  Therefore there is no need to stand up another EV 9 server.  I would do the following


    1.  Build out a new EV 10 SP 1 server.

    2.  Run the SSMW on the version 9 server and create the export package.

    3.  Attach the LUN's to the new EV 10 SP 1 server.

    4.  Run the SSMW and import the configuration package.


    This way you can do your hardware refresh and upgrade at the same time.  All of the data would need to be made available to the EV 10 SP 1 server before importing the configuration.... IE, simply attach the LUN's to the new EV 10 server and then run the import.  I would suggest taking a look the following

12 Replies

  • No, the migration wizard is just taking care of the upgrade in the background.  If you use the migration wizard to create the export package on the source server you will notice all the task get disabled.  Once you import the package on the destination server and the directory database is upgrade the source server will not work even if you re-enable the services.

  • Yes I am Agree with Tony its self disabled the Old EV server I have done  successful migration with EV migration tool its very simple only you just create a export package and build a new EV 10 and just import that on New server.And it works nice.You dont need to do lots of activities ..its simple as its.!!