Forum Discussion

nwalsh's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

Optimum level for Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task

Hi Guys,

Im wondering if you could help me or suggest the optimum level that would suite.

We had a contract company that came in and installed EV11.0.1 for us

There is a Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task that runs, But we are noticing that our CAS server CPU cores are running at 84 - 95% when the task is running.

My question is what would be the recommendations.

Would the below screenshot be correct for the most optimum level for EV to run

exchange task for EV11.png


Any Help is appreciated.





  • It might. At least it might mean that you'll get through the users in the time window you've got. Remember that the items per pass just mean how many items will be archived 'in that pass'.  Once all the users are done, if there is still time left in the schedule, another pass will be done, trying to archive up to that same number again.  Another option of course, is to get more horsepower in the CASes.. and have you had complaints? If not, leave it at high CPU.. that's what the CASes are there for...

5 Replies

  • That's a little bit of an environmental-specific question. You could try 1... see if that reduces the load, or 2... but in the end, you're archiving out of hours, right? So what does it really matter if the CPU is high on the CASes?

  • Hi Rob,


    I know yes.

    The process was running at 5pm every evening and when we started moving people over to EV, Thats when we started to notice the spike on the CPU's.

    Our company backup schedule starts from 7PM till 7AM.

    Thats consist of EXH,Fileshare,EV etc

    So i have a short time to run the task. This i believe why the company that came in to install EV set the task time for this.


    What id like to know is, Would it be suitible of i reduce the maximum number of items per target per pass:

    Would this help?



  • It might. At least it might mean that you'll get through the users in the time window you've got. Remember that the items per pass just mean how many items will be archived 'in that pass'.  Once all the users are done, if there is still time left in the schedule, another pass will be done, trying to archive up to that same number again.  Another option of course, is to get more horsepower in the CASes.. and have you had complaints? If not, leave it at high CPU.. that's what the CASes are there for...

  • I wasnt too sure if that was the correct term of the " maximum number of items per target per pass:"



    But thanks Rob for confirming that it is.

    Yes i do agree it does need more horsepower on the CAS's. we did only upgrade the CPU on the CAS before we had the archiver installed.


    Looks like ill need to bump it up more :)


    Thanks Rob.

  • changing the number of items per pass won't change the CPU impact, however changing the number of concurrent connections will.  Lowering the number of concurrent connections will result in a longer time to archive the data since it limits the number of mailboxes being run at a time.  Lowering the number of items which is currently set a 1000 will have minimal impact since it is unlikely that any actively archived mailbox will have 1000 items to be archived per day.