Forum Discussion

mickelingon's avatar
13 years ago

OWA 2010 problem



We have an exchange 2010 environement with EV 9.0.2 installed.

It almost work as it should exept for OWA.

When logging on to the OWA server as any other then the current loged in user, We can se buttons and archived mails in OWA, but when opening an item and choosing view original item we get "you do not have access to this vault"

If logging in to OWA as the logged in user on the computer it works fine.

Also when opening archive explorer nothing is showing in the leftt pane. This seems to be a permission issue.

Let me explain it as another member did. He got the problem resolved but there where no good solution in the thread.

On my PC, I have two exchange mailbox accounts, one is A mailbox, and the other is B mailbox, as we know, there should also have domain A & B account, my case is, when I use A domain account to open mailbox A, everyting is working fine, but if i open mailbox B, all the link of attachment and view original item will bring me to the error page and said "You do not have access to this vault"

I think this should be the premission issue, because when I try to open the item of mailbox B, it will use damain account A's username and password to try to open the item, of course it will fail for the security issue, so, can we have some configuration in EV to prompt me to input the username and password or other solution?

Kind regards



  • This does work in regular outlook right? I mean you're not seeing just a regular permissions problem that can be resolved by granting yourself permission to the others archive? You may wanna try the EV9 sp3 OWA extensions as there were some fixes around owa2010 especially in the use of shared mailboxes, for instance we have the known issue where logging in to DOMAINB\UserB's mailbox with DOMAINA\UserA's credentials fails because it can't read the hidden message in the users mailbox and this won't show AE buttons or EV icons or anything and also generates event I'd 0's on the cas servers

7 Replies

  • This does work in regular outlook right? I mean you're not seeing just a regular permissions problem that can be resolved by granting yourself permission to the others archive? You may wanna try the EV9 sp3 OWA extensions as there were some fixes around owa2010 especially in the use of shared mailboxes, for instance we have the known issue where logging in to DOMAINB\UserB's mailbox with DOMAINA\UserA's credentials fails because it can't read the hidden message in the users mailbox and this won't show AE buttons or EV icons or anything and also generates event I'd 0's on the cas servers
  • assuming it works correctly outside of OWA as JW mentioned, i think this is really a known (and old) issue with the way EV works by default and as you say, it's been covered in many posts over time and there really is no good solution per se. it could be that at some point the browser is passing along the credentials for the current NT user instead of OWA holding the token for the alternate user that logged in.

  • Try and remove the check box for setting “Enable Integrated Windows Authentication” in Internet explorer under Advanced settings of Internet Options

  • Everything works fine in regular outlook.
    OWA works fine internal as long as you are logged in as you on a PC and accessing OWA.

    But if you are not logged in as you i.e. in a internet café, i does not work.

    Kind regards


  • Mike,

    When you double click an item in OWA does it show the full item or the shortcut content still?  I only ask because you mentioned that you click "View Original Item" in your original post.  You should not have to do that in OWA as it should open the full item.

    Can you enable logging on your CAS and post the log file here for review?


  • Hi

    If you are outside the company nothing shows. If you are inside the company you get the mailbox of the person logged on to the computer.

    It's all very strange


  • Hello Mike,

    When you are outside of the company i.e. at home or at an internet cafe as you mentioned and it does not work.

    1. Can you access

    2. Is your OWA published ISA2006/TMG? with this is your EV server published in ISA2006/TMG?

    3. If you have ISA2006/TMG, have you setup link translation?

    With OWA (externally), in order for View Original Message and Attachments links, Search and Archive Explorer to work you need to have the Link Translations configured within the OWA rule.

    If you don't have ISA2006/TMG then you need to publish the EV server (site alias) externally i.e. https://evsitaelias.domain.local/enterprisevault. 

    This is purely related to your original post regarding View Original item within OWA externally.

    Hope that helps.