Forum Discussion

wkuiper's avatar
Level 3
15 years ago

Placeholder Icon (with the clock) of an email message

The Placeholder Icon of an email message that is being moved during an archive operation keeps the clock in the icon + the text This item is being archived by Enterprise Vault , do not copy, move or delete this item forever.
Is that by design? How can the icon be changed to the normal Archived Placeholder icon (without the clock)?

  • Hi,

    it's not completely clear which scenario you have here but, as the others have said, it sounds like it is one following

    1. The item is pending when it is moved within the mailbox to another folder/location

    2. The item is remaining in a pending state after archiving

    1. Moved pending item:

    In this case, we cannot post process the item as we look for it in the original location. To return the item to normal you can either enable and use the "Cancel Operation" button that is part of the Enterprise Vault Outlook client or alternatively you can enable the "Pending shortcut timeout" in Policies > Exchange > Mailbox > Policy properties > Advanced tab > Archiving General settings. The policy would be the way to go if there are a large number of items or users who have items in this state

    2. The item is pending after archiving and the pending item is still in the same location in the mailbox. This usually indicates that the item has not been successfully backed up in the Vault Store partition. Check that your backup ran successfully and check that Vault Store isn't in the read-only backup mode state. Restarting the Storage Service may also help here as it will immediately trigger the process that checks if the data has been backed up

    If your problem is slightly different then perhaps you could provide some more detail

7 Replies

  • well when you archive an item and it goes to pending, EV will try to go back to its original locatioon to post process the item and turn it in to a shortcut To be honest though, that is exactly why it has the message saying don't move it You are going to have to a shortcut timeout and then let it re-archive
  • Map a drive to the vault (using the letter V in the example below)
    Run this command in command prompt
    Attrib -A V:\VaultStores\Mailbox\*.* /S

    You can also use 'net use' to map the drive and run this as a scheduled task
  • hang on, am i missing something?
    The items went in to pending and were moved right?
    If they get moved from their original location say from \inbox to \myEmailFolder and the item is pending, the attrib command or backups will not change this item from a pending item to a fully archived item, it will simply remain pending until it gets cancelled and then re-archived

    Again because what EV does is when it turns an item in to pending, it stores the shortcutaccessor location which identifies where that exact message can be found
    so when EV has fully backed up the item and it goes to change the item from pending to archived, it will go back to the location, such as \inbox, but if the item doesn't exist there any more (i.e. its been moved or deleted) then EV cannot post process the item, it will not know to go to another folder to check for it

    hence why there is a banner saying do not move this item.
    Really if this is the case then change your partition to do immediately after archive and not after backup if its happening a lot
  • We have to separate original item and shortcut to understand:
    He has set EV to wait until the vault store is backed up before replacing the original with a shortcut, attrib simply tells EV that step has been done and allows the removal of the original item.  After that, the shortcut in the Inbox knows where the original was stored in the Vault and he can move the shortcut to any other folder in his mailbox, and it will still retrieve the original item when the shortcut is opened.
  • And as I understand it, the original was not moved while pending.
    The original was moved by the archive process into the vault
    A pending shortcut is put in place, but he did not move that.

    If the pending shortcut was moved, then you are right - attrib does not help

  • Hi,

    it's not completely clear which scenario you have here but, as the others have said, it sounds like it is one following

    1. The item is pending when it is moved within the mailbox to another folder/location

    2. The item is remaining in a pending state after archiving

    1. Moved pending item:

    In this case, we cannot post process the item as we look for it in the original location. To return the item to normal you can either enable and use the "Cancel Operation" button that is part of the Enterprise Vault Outlook client or alternatively you can enable the "Pending shortcut timeout" in Policies > Exchange > Mailbox > Policy properties > Advanced tab > Archiving General settings. The policy would be the way to go if there are a large number of items or users who have items in this state

    2. The item is pending after archiving and the pending item is still in the same location in the mailbox. This usually indicates that the item has not been successfully backed up in the Vault Store partition. Check that your backup ran successfully and check that Vault Store isn't in the read-only backup mode state. Restarting the Storage Service may also help here as it will immediately trigger the process that checks if the data has been backed up

    If your problem is slightly different then perhaps you could provide some more detail