Forum Discussion

James_Slack's avatar
11 years ago

Probles with A queues A5 A6 and A7


I have 2 servers and looking in the Message Queuing I can see a backlog of messages in there.


Server 1

A5 = 4240

A6 = 10329

A7 = 419


Server 2

A5 = 1341

A6 = 6786

A7 = 202


I have done some basic things to see if they will go down, change the schedule, stop archiving for a bit, reboot etc. Nothing. It seems this lot is stuck in the queues.

My questions are this.

1) What are each queue used for?


2) How do I clear down each queue and would we lose data doing so?

  • A7 = scheduled mailbox synchronization A6 = moved shortcut processing (updates the folder and retention categories when Items are moved) A5 = scheduled mailbox archiving Have a look on your SQL server and see if your CPU is through the roof Moved item processing can be quite intensive and if you don't do regular maintanance on your SQL server, ie index rebuilds, then you can cause major slow downs on SQL etc which slow everything down
  • If your server has the recommended rather than the minimum amount of CPU's for the version of EV you're running and they're not maxed out during an archive task then definitely increase Archive Processes but be cautious. First, try increasing the number to equal the amount of CPU's (I'll assume 8) then monitor performance during an archive run. If CPU's/Memory aren't maxed out try increasing to 10 then 12.

    Have a read of the relevant Performance Guide for your version of EV


    If your EV server is virtualised take a look at this best practise guide


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