Forum Discussion

joudi_agha's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

pros & cons for enabling the vault cache for users on EV v10.0.3


please, i want to someone help me and tell me what is the pros & cons for enabling the vault cach for my environment users,

environment details:

- EV version: EV v10.0.3

- OS: windows server 208 R2 Enterprise

- enterprise vault for exchange servers

- we enabled aout 500 users for archiving and the vault cache was already enabled for them .

- have 8 EV servers


so based on previous details, what is the pros and cons for enabling the vault cache??

  • Pro's


    User will be to access archived items when offline - away from the network

    Retrievals of archived items will take place from local content (provided the content is available locally)

    Multiple retrievals over time of the same item, will come from local content




    Needs disk space on the client

    Needs server resources to build each Vault Cache database for each user (probably multiple files for each user)

    Some server resources also used when building the metadata to support Virtual Vault - assuming your'e enabling that also.


    That's off the top of my head.

8 Replies

  • Pro's


    User will be to access archived items when offline - away from the network

    Retrievals of archived items will take place from local content (provided the content is available locally)

    Multiple retrievals over time of the same item, will come from local content




    Needs disk space on the client

    Needs server resources to build each Vault Cache database for each user (probably multiple files for each user)

    Some server resources also used when building the metadata to support Virtual Vault - assuming your'e enabling that also.


    That's off the top of my head.

  • More Pro's:

    • End-users tend to experience better performance when it comes to retreival times.
    • End-users can still retrieve archived mail when EV servers are down.
    • Virtual Vault can be utilized, getting rid of the need to use shortcuts (this, of course, has its own set of pro's and con's, but the pro's seem to be outweighing the con's these days).

    More Con's:

    • End-user setup can be painful if not done correctly (configuration screen, initial synch time, etc.)


    All this said, much has been done to mitigate the con's such as more intelligent network usage, better control over when and how EV processes cache data, and so on.  This is something I tend to recommend more often than not these days.

  • I think the biggest plus of Virtual Vault is that the usage of it will be instantly familiar to an end user. Virtual Vault appears in the users profile almost as a PST, an is afforded the same functionality; drag and drop, message previewing, etc. Couple this with Vault Cache and you get all of that, accessible offline as well.


    For internal users on desktop machines this might not be such a huge bonus, but for laptop users it can be a lifesaver.

  • You have 8 ev servers to archive 500 users? wauw. I would enable VV immediately! Benefit is huge, as Ben says, because it looks familiar.

    I would not enable archivng via VV (because item goes into VV, then to EV. When pc crashes, items in VV are gone, is a risk.



    thanks guys for supporting, i appreciate your help alot .

    I think one of the cons also that if the space of your desk runs out, the oldest item in the vault cache will deleted to make space for new items.



    besides, i want to notify that one of the biggest con's that faced me up when i enabled the vault cache for users, that Continues Pop up authentication for outlook anywhere while accessing outlook from home


    any suggestion to solve this problem, please.

  • Joudi,

    This really isn't a con... it's more of a technical issue you're having.

    The authentication issue shouldn't have anything to do with vault cache, as vault cache is only a feature for Outlook with the EV client extensions installed.  Outlook Anywhere only deals with redirecting shortcuts and giving you the various options such as manual archive, manual restore, vault search, etc.

    I have a feeling that the enabling of vault cache just coincided with this authentication issue.  There may be an off-chance that something happened with installing EV OWA extensions on the CAS, but there's no way of knowing for sure until you do a bit of troubleshooting.  I'd recommend opening a case with Support if this is something that all archive-enabled users are experiencing.


  • @Joudi, is anything else needed or can one of the posts be marked as the solution if it has helped you?