Forum Discussion

TajComp's avatar
Level 3
9 years ago

Provisioning Task Order

Hi eveyone,


I just need to check if my understanding is correct.


I have inherited a EV situation where there is a a provision group set for new users with the auto-enabled Ticked.


However this is the 4th in the order after whole exchange organization


There is also a existing user provision group which is set to 2 in the order that has the Auto-enable ticked as well.


So my thinking is that


leave the temp provisioning task as is number 1.

exisiting user provisioning task   as      number 2   with Auto-enable turned off

New User which targets the managed user OU  as number 3  with Auto-enabled turned ON

then Whole Organization  Auto-enabled Turned OFF


I have read the gradular best practises and this appears to be inline with those


I am not sure what the exisitng user PG is set to auto-enabled this seems redundant to me


thanks in advance



  • in this situation it would not create a second archive for the same mailbox. since a user can only exist in 1 OU then the order of those two PGs doesnt matter. it would be different if, for example, you were using AD Groups since a user could be a member of both groups.

4 Replies

  • the first provisioning group a user hits is the one which will apply therefore whole exchange should always be at the bottom because it includes all the users regardless if you're using auto-enable or not

  • Thanks AndrewB,


    yep I understand that part which is one reason why I want to change the order


    the add new user PG targets the managed users OU as above, but I just want to make sure that it will not try to create a 2nd archive the next time the task is run.


    As for the exisiting user this is a seperate OU and is the 2nd PG run But I dont understand why the previous perhaps has Ticked the Auto-enable mailbox in this instanace.. 


    thanks for your thoughts

  • in this situation it would not create a second archive for the same mailbox. since a user can only exist in 1 OU then the order of those two PGs doesnt matter. it would be different if, for example, you were using AD Groups since a user could be a member of both groups.

  • Thanks AndrewB


    I just need to check before I shoot myself in the foot by suggesting a change that was in implemented by the previous guys