Forum Discussion

scaillet's avatar
Level 3
15 years ago

PST Migration Issue

Hello, We are in the process of PST migration and we are facing the following problem : For a lot of PST, PST Migration completed successfully but PST are not deleted. The failure text is :...
  • scaillet's avatar
    15 years ago


    We find that all PSTs having the Migration problem were corrupted. We check these PSTs with Scanpst and found a lot of errors.

    So we created a batch file in forder to scan all pst after the collector task and before the Migrator task. We use cmdscan and ScanPST :

    @echo on

    set ScanPST-location="C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\MSMAPI\1036\scanpst.exe"
    set PSTHoldingLocation=d:\pstholding

    REM List PST in PSTHolding
    dir %PSTHoldingLocation%\*.pst /B > %PSTHoldingLocation%\listtemppst.txt

    REM Run Inbox Repair for all .pst/.ost files
    FOR /F "delims= tokens=1" %%i IN (%PSTHoldingLocation%\listtemppst.txt) do cmdscan %ScanPST-location% %%i

    REM Remove listtemppst.txt
    DEL /Q %PSTHoldingLocation%\listtemppst.txt

    It would be a good thing to include in the next release of EV,
    - the posssibility to run the post processing even if PST migration was not successfull.
    - A scan of PST before migration
    - A repository for backup of PST Migrated

    Thanks for your help.

    Stephane CAILLET