Forum Discussion

AKL's avatar
Level 6
12 years ago

PST Migrations & Exchange Quotas

Hello As soon as I type in first line about PST migration question, a voice inside me tells "you need to use third party PST migrator along with EV rather than EV native tools !" LOL. But that's th...
  • Rob_Wilcox1's avatar
    12 years ago

    This tells me a few things:


    a/  The quote which is being read is LOWER than the amount of space needed to ingest the items, otherwise the SetEx2KUserQuotaValues function wouldn't change anything.


    b/ You're not seeing (nor am I) the values that come out of the GetEx2KUserQutoaValues - I would expect them to be logged.  I mean logging them out is just good practice.. maybe these functions don't..  SYMC Support would be the only ones to tell you whether or not they SHOULD log something out.


    c/ The values that were obtained for the limits are all flat ie equal.

    In my environment they were set to 3 different (low) values.  And the result in my trace is a bump up of each to three different values.  Yours all show 2 Gb.


    d/ One (remote?) possibility is because the quota is >2Gb.  I have personally seen 1-2 issues in the past (when I worked at Symantec) where the product failed to correctly determine things like mailbox size, when the mailbox was over 2 Gb.  The 'cure' for this would be for 'someone' to do a bigger repro, and set the values as you have indicated for the quota, and then ingest a PST.

    That someone would really need to be SYMC support - and would take quite some effort.