quota based archiving in detail
I'm unaware of some quota based archiving details. Does EV continously or only one time check the current mailbox size? Somehow, I didn't find any clear staement in the docs.
So if my Archive Task is scheduled for 6 hours, I'm assuming it only checks quota one time in a sequential procedure. According to my reports it seems true. If you administrate exchange you may know, that an mailbox size is always volatile.
To avoid an increasing mailbox for heavy users within the working hours, it would be better to run archive tasks several times instead on an long term schedule I think.
Exchange backup is snapshot based, so it would pretend pending items issues if backup is not completed prior to the first and longest arching run in the morning (Mailbox Archiving After Exchange and EV Backups fom https://vox.veritas.com/t5/Articles/Finding-the-Time-to-Archive-Mailboxes/ta-p/807162 ) EV Backups and syncs times would be spared, too.
Thanks for a short advice.
General info on quota based archiving
This one backs my statement of the single run.
This is archiving the mailbox to a percentage of the limit set by the Exchange administrator in Active Directory (AD).
During a quota based archiving, running the Archiving Task makes a single pass through all mailboxes.
Therefore, by default, a maximum of only 1000 items will be archived in any one scheduled period regardless if the task is set to run 24/7.