Forum Discussion

Anuradha_Tondam's avatar
18 years ago

PST Migrator Issue...


We have been using the PST Migrator to import PST mail to archive vault with no problems until now.

This specific PST file, size close to 2 GB is causing errors and is not getting archived.

Please find below the EV log for this :


Event ID: 6593
Category : Migrator Server
Type: Error

Abnormal error occurred

PST file: F:\folder name1\folder name2 \user.pst
Archive Name: Inbox
Vault Id:
Reference: SCMP/SC


Event ID: 6469
Category : Migrator Server
Type: Error

An exception has occurred.


Event ID: 6741
Category : Migrator Server
Type: Warning

PST Migration Report

Migration status: Incomplete

Processing aborted due to an unrecoverable error.

PST file: F:\Folder Name1\Folder Name2\user.pst
Archive Name: User Name
Vault Id:
RetentionCategory:Policy Retention

Number of folders processed: 0
Number of items archived: 0
Total size of items archived: 0 KB

Number of items unable to be archived: 0

Elapsed Migration Time: 0:0:1 (hours:minutes:seconds)

Please help.


  • There was a hotfix for sp1 that fixed an issue w/ PST migrator. It was fixed in sp2 and sp3 has the fix as well. Can you upgrade to sp3?

    If not, you can contact support to see if you can get the hot fix.


6 Replies

  • What EV Version are you on? Here are some notes I found on Rosetta:

    CMigrator/PI/ce Comment
    In most cases, this behaviour is caused by some corrupt messages within the PST.

    When a PST fails to migrate using the Enterprise Vault PST migration tool, you should first run the Outlook feature Inbox Repair Tool called scanpst.exe. This can diagnose and repair errors in the file if you can't open your Personal Folders file (.pst) or Offline Folder file (.ost) file, or you suspect that your .pst or .ost data file is corrupt

    scanpst.exe scans only the .pst or. ost file, making sure that the file structure is intact. It doesn't scan your mailbox on the Microsoft Exchange server.

    scanpst.exe is installed when you install Microsoft Outlook and is located at:

    drive:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Mapi\1033\

    For detailed information about running the tool, see the Help file, scanpst.hlp, at the same location.

    Note: Use scanost.exe, the OST integrity check tool, if you get error messages when you synchronize your .ost file with the Exchange server.
  • Thanks for the reply. We are using EV 6.0 SP1.

    I am able to open up the pst file in outlook with no problems. Would the file still be corrupted?
  • There was a hotfix for sp1 that fixed an issue w/ PST migrator. It was fixed in sp2 and sp3 has the fix as well. Can you upgrade to sp3?

    If not, you can contact support to see if you can get the hot fix.

  • You can have corrupt messages in a .pst file and still be able to open the .pst. You might not even notice a problem till you tried to access that specific .pst. So I would start by running scanpst on it to check for errors. In my experience scanpst doesn't always catch all the errors so if you have a lab, you can import that pst to a non-production, empty mailstore then run an isinteg on it, then export it back out and return it to production and try again. PST's do some kooky stuff sometimes! I would also check into the MS tool that truncates oversized PST's as I find that 2GB limit isn't really set in stone--- sometimes a PST will do goofy stuff at 1.7GB or higher and truncating it cures it. I can't remember the name of the tool but it's on the MS site, search for PST 2GB (that might even be the name of it) and you'll find it.
  • Hi guys,

    Thanks for all your help.

    SCANPST.exe indicated that the pst file had to be repaired but when I clicked on repair it stopped responding.

    I ended up creating two pst files from the one PST file that was causing the problem.

    Then I was able to import the mails from these two new PST files into KVS.

    Thanks again for all your help.

  • Hi,

    The SC provides the clue here. It stands for 'Save Changes' which means we are editing an item in the PST(to make it a shortcut) and then saving it back into the PST.

    What can happen is that a PST can be so full that it won't actually allow this to happen. In that case there isn't much you can do other than what you did which is make some space in the PST by moving some of the data out into another PST.