Forum Discussion

scaillet's avatar
Level 3
15 years ago

PST Migration Issue


We are in the process of PST migration and we are facing the following problem :

For a lot of PST, PST Migration completed successfully but PST are not deleted. The failure text is :
- Migration of  'PST' has been successful, but the PST file contains items that could not be migrated. The PST file has not been deleted.
- In the History we have some items not eligible for archiving and some items moved to mailbox.

If we open the PST, the only items presents are folders. no mails, calendar items...

Does someone has information about this issue ?

thanks in advance


Information :
- EV Server : W2K3 / EV 8.0.SP3
- Exchange Server : W2K3 / EX 2K3 SP3
- PST Migration policy : 
+post action is to delete the PST.
+migrate all messages classes


  • Hello,

    We find that all PSTs having the Migration problem were corrupted. We check these PSTs with Scanpst and found a lot of errors.

    So we created a batch file in forder to scan all pst after the collector task and before the Migrator task. We use cmdscan and ScanPST :

    @echo on

    set ScanPST-location="C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\MSMAPI\1036\scanpst.exe"
    set PSTHoldingLocation=d:\pstholding

    REM List PST in PSTHolding
    dir %PSTHoldingLocation%\*.pst /B > %PSTHoldingLocation%\listtemppst.txt

    REM Run Inbox Repair for all .pst/.ost files
    FOR /F "delims= tokens=1" %%i IN (%PSTHoldingLocation%\listtemppst.txt) do cmdscan %ScanPST-location% %%i

    REM Remove listtemppst.txt
    DEL /Q %PSTHoldingLocation%\listtemppst.txt

    It would be a good thing to include in the next release of EV,
    - the posssibility to run the post processing even if PST migration was not successfull.
    - A scan of PST before migration
    - A repository for backup of PST Migrated

    Thanks for your help.

    Stephane CAILLET


9 Replies

  • Contacts? All subdolders are empty? usually, there really are elements which cannot be moved or are corrupt
  • Yes, all subfolders are empty.

    In properties for PST / Folder Size : total siez including sub folders : 0 KB

  •  So, there was a post EV 8 SP 2 hotfix which meant that PST migrations from client or server could move over "problem" items.  There was a sideeffect to this in that it meant that the "delete" afterwards doesn't get done... this will hopefully be fixed in EV 8 SP 4.

    Are you sure about the message you're getting per PST?  Does it say ineligible?

    Can you check your event log for warnings about skipping over a possibly problematic item?

    Can you post the output of one of the migration reports that you are referring to?

    Can you check that you have included all relevant message classes (eg calendar items), and that you have opted to include the deleted items folder (maybe the PST contains some of those).
  • Hello Rob,

    I have included all relevant message classes and deleted items. When We open the pst after the migration and check the size in outlook /  Properties on the PST, the size is 0KB. No mails, calendar items, contact.... are present. Only empty folders.

    The Migration report :

    Migration of PST: \\A_B1_01\D$\Users\BAZETOUX\cyril.pst

    Migration Settings

    Migration Start Time: 12/16/2009 9:58:07 AM
    Migration End Time:   12/16/2009 10:11:48 AM
    Migration Copy File:  \\LA-PAZ\D$\PstLocal\Copy3186.pst
    Shortcut Mode:        Create shortcuts and move them to Exchange Mailbox

    Include Deleted Items:              true
    Set PST Hidden:                     false
    Set PST Read-Only:                  false
    Compact PST:                        false
    Delete PST:                         true
    Archive Non-Expired Calendar Items: true
    Cancel Mailbox Auto-Archive:        true
    Merge PST Folders:                  false

    Migration Results

    Number of folders processed: 183
    Number of items archived to vault: 5017 of 5023
        - Number of items not eligible for archiving because of PST Migration Policy setting: 6
    Number of items moved to mailbox:  5023 of 5023
        - Number of archived items moved to mailbox: 5007
        - Number of other items moved to mailbox: 16

    PST Migration completed successfully

       12/16/2009 10:12:01 AM Migration of \\A_B1_01\D$\Users\BAZETOUX\cyril.pst has been successful, but the PST file contains items that could not be migrated. The PST file has not been deleted.
       12/16/2009 10:12:25 AM Completed migration of PST: \\A_B1_01\D$\Users\BAZETOUX\cyril.pst

    Migration of PST: \\A_B1_01\D$\Users\CONTU\PST\Mon Fichier Archives.pst


    In the event viewer we can see 1 warning :

    Event Type: Warning
    Event Source: Enterprise Vault
    Event Category: Migrator Server
    Event ID: 6913
    Date:  12/16/2009
    Time:  10:11:48 AM
    User:  N/A
    Computer: LA-PAZ
    Some items could not be converted to shortcuts.

    Number of items not converted: 10
    PST file: \\A_B1_01\D$\Users\BAZETOUX\cyril.pst (Copy: D:\PstLocal\Copy3186.pst)
    Archive Name: TESTXMS2 Al
    Vault Id: 1A915C48E305B6443B21D52A81A7E8ED71110000EVSite

    Thanks for your help.



  • The interesting bit from your report file is :-

    Number of folders processed: 183
    Number of items archived to vault: 5017 of 5023
        - Number of items not eligible for archiving because of PST Migration Policy setting: 6
    Number of items moved to mailbox:  5023 of 5023
        - Number of archived items moved to mailbox: 5007
        - Number of other items moved to mailbox: 16

    5023 items were processed, your event log message says that 10 weren't processed because shortcuts couldn't be created - not sure.  One of the other key things is that the "archive non-expired calendar items" isn't the only calendar setting.  There is also, as part of your policy, the message classes tab.  if you haven't got calendar items selected in that then they still won't migrate.

    Anyway because you opted to create shortcuts in the mailbox you can see what happened by looking in the mailbox.

    Above it says 5023 items were processed, and 5023 items were moved to the mailbox, this 5023 includes ineligible, problem items, and archived items.  So have a look at the mailbox, you should then be able to spot what messages classes the 6 items were that weren't archived.
  • To add.. I think the PST wasn't deleted, because of the 10 items that couldn't be turned in to shortcuts.  So yours is a variation I think of the issue which will be fixed in 8 SP 4... that issue is that if we skip over any items as "corrupt" in some way, it means the PST isn't post-processed as it should be... even though all the items are successfully moved out of the PST.
  • We experieinced the same issues, but our PST's contained all emails.

    I was told that there would be a fix for this situation in a future release.
  • Lance, were you doing server driven migration or client driven migration?

    With client driven migration the items aren't removed from the PST (but the PST should get disconnected from Outlook, and set read-only)
  • Hello,

    We find that all PSTs having the Migration problem were corrupted. We check these PSTs with Scanpst and found a lot of errors.

    So we created a batch file in forder to scan all pst after the collector task and before the Migrator task. We use cmdscan and ScanPST :

    @echo on

    set ScanPST-location="C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\MSMAPI\1036\scanpst.exe"
    set PSTHoldingLocation=d:\pstholding

    REM List PST in PSTHolding
    dir %PSTHoldingLocation%\*.pst /B > %PSTHoldingLocation%\listtemppst.txt

    REM Run Inbox Repair for all .pst/.ost files
    FOR /F "delims= tokens=1" %%i IN (%PSTHoldingLocation%\listtemppst.txt) do cmdscan %ScanPST-location% %%i

    REM Remove listtemppst.txt
    DEL /Q %PSTHoldingLocation%\listtemppst.txt

    It would be a good thing to include in the next release of EV,
    - the posssibility to run the post processing even if PST migration was not successfull.
    - A scan of PST before migration
    - A repository for backup of PST Migrated

    Thanks for your help.

    Stephane CAILLET