Forum Discussion

racq_qld's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Unable to open archived items in shared mailboxes

Hi all, when someone has a shared mailbox open in their Outlook, they are unable to open archived items in that mailbox, even if they have full permissions. Opening the message brings up a banner t...
  • Pradeep-Papnai's avatar
    11 years ago

    Please confirm Outlook setting as per Tech note

    Microsoft Outlook 2007

    1.   In Outlook, click on Tools, Trust Center
    2.   Inside the Trust Center, click on the Email Security
    3.   Within Email Security, check the box to "Allow Script in Shared Folders"
    4.   Click OK to all properties settings, close and re-open Outlook
    Microsoft Outlook 2010

    1. On File Menu, Click Options
    2. Click on Trust center & then Trust center settings
    3. In the Navigation pane, Click E-mail security
    4. Under Script in Folders, enable the following options 'Allow script in shared folders'

    If still have problem then increase client logging to maximum and retrive 1 email from primary mailbox & 1 email from shared mailbox to see the difference of call.