Forum Discussion

CadenL's avatar
Level 6
9 years ago

Restoring Placeholders


I'm running EV11.0.1 and use it for FSA from a Windows 2012 server. I'm testing the restore of placeholders using Backup Exec so I can get some confidence this would work if I needed to restore in the event of a DR scenario. I'd like to know if there is a way to test this by restoring the file to a test file server that is currently not configured within EV - it's just a test Windows server I have available.

I know there's not a way to double click the placeholder and recall the file but what else can I do?

I used the FSAutil to check the attributes of the file and these look goos as it shows it has the Offline, Sparse and Reparse Points so that all looks good. Also if I run the FSAutil reparsepoint query I can see an output that includes what looks like a url to the EV server with a download from the Vault ID and lots of other numbers - so this too looks like the placeholder is in good shape and should work if I need to restore it back to the original server. 

The only thing that looks odd is the 'size on disk' value for the restored placeholder is 0 bytes (I'd expect 4KB), although the resported 'size of file' is correctly reporting back the actual size of the archived file (so that makes me think the 'Sparse' info is being restored correctly.

Should I worry about the 'size on disk' of the restored placeholder? or can I be confident that the placeholder will work based on the Reparse point information looking accurate and the Sparse and Offline attributes also resturning the correct information?

many thanks in advance.

  • Hi CadenL,

    From what you stated it all seems good from the file perspective.  

    On 2012 this will show the size as 0kb.  Also, the x will not appear on the file if logged in locally tot he 2012 server.  However, browsing to that location from another server will show the x icon.  This was done for performance reasons by MS.  



  • Hi CadenL,

    From what you stated it all seems good from the file perspective.  

    On 2012 this will show the size as 0kb.  Also, the x will not appear on the file if logged in locally tot he 2012 server.  However, browsing to that location from another server will show the x icon.  This was done for performance reasons by MS.  

