Forum Discussion

Y1251's avatar
Level 5
12 months ago

some question regarding Snapshot of Elasticsearch indexes

Hi all,

Since we upgrade to from 14.4 version and use the new index "Elasticearch". check EV docs that need a new disk for setup Snapshot of Elasticsearch indexes. 

My question is if we didn't setup Snapshot of Elasticsearch indexes. what is the impact?

3 Replies

  • Hi there,

    not creating index snapshots could ultimately lead to a bad index backup with a potential of inconsistency or even corruption (not sure about the corruption though as we've luckily not experienced it yet).

    I believe creating the index snapshot is the only correct way of making sure that the data captured within the backup is in a good state. 

    However, I do know that some are struggling to provide additional space for the index snapshot, hence why I could imagine stopping the indexing service when the backup is tacking place could be a potential workaround but please dont pin me down on that. Someone from Veritas might shine some addional light on it. 



  • The impact of not setting up a snapshot of Elasticsearch indexes can be significant. If you lose data due to a hardware failure, software corruption, or human error, you will not be able to restore it without a snapshot. This could mean losing valuable data, such as customer records, financial data, or other sensitive information.

    In addition, not setting up a snapshot can lead to performance problems. As your data grows, Elasticsearch will need to work harder to index and search it. This can lead to slower query performance and increased load on your servers.

    Finally, not setting up a snapshot can make it more difficult to comply with data protection regulations. Many regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), require organizations to have a process in place to back up their data. If you do not have a snapshot of your Elasticsearch indexes, you may not be able to comply with these regulations.

    The new disk requirement for setting up a snapshot of Elasticsearch indexes is not a major issue. You can use a separate disk for your snapshots, or you can use a cloud-based storage service such as Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage.

    Overall, the benefits of setting up a snapshot of Elasticsearch indexes far outweigh the costs. If you are not already doing so, I recommend that you set up a snapshot of your indexes as soon as possible.

    Here are some additional things to consider when deciding whether or not to set up a snapshot of your Elasticsearch indexes:

    • The amount of data that you store in Elasticsearch.
    • The frequency with which you add new data to Elasticsearch.
    • The importance of the data that you store in Elasticsearch.
    • Your budget for storage and backup.

    If you have any concerns about the impact of not setting up a snapshot of your Elasticsearch indexes, you should consult with your IT team or a data backup specialist.


    • Y1251's avatar
      Level 5

      Hi meuhassan,

      Thanks for your information. We have 2 EV archive servers 1x email archive and 1 file archive server and located in different site. we also have a EVbackup server.

      Can we setup the new Elasticsearch index drive for 2 archive server ( set to new drive E:drive) local drive and then set the index snapshot location to another server EVbackup D drive?
