5220 rehydration how to
We have 2 5220s, one production replicated to on at our DR site. I have been requested to rehydrate the DR appliance. Where can I find instructions on how to accomplish this and rehydration in general?
Another question: can the backup tapes that are rehydrated be used for restores or does the data have to be put back on the appliance before use?
As John says you can edit your DR site SLP to add a duplication step
If you want the images that you already have on the appliance duplicated to tape then just go into the DR NetBackup Admin Console - go to the catalog section - select duplication at the top left - set the date range of backups you need on tape - click Search and once you have the results you can select them (or batches of them), right click and select duplicate - there you choose your tape storage unit, volume pool, retention level etc.
But for all future images just use your SLP