Forum Discussion

9 Replies

  • I dont think this is going to be easy to be honest as when you re-image the appliance you wipe all configurations from it so even if you need the data it will not be easy to get it back.

    When re-imaging an appliance you should turn off and unplug any shelves first

    Once re-imaged you can reconnect the shelf but getting it back into the system with all data intact will not be easy.

    Why do you need to re-image the system? Perhaps it is better to look at other ways first as a re-image is pretty drastic!

  • Because i get many errors when i update the appliance from 2.5 to 2.5.3 failed,there is no way to resolve these problems.And i can not understand how to remove the storage shelf,because the MSDP contains the unit_1 and the unit_2.

    Device                           | Total       | Unallocated | Status
    Appliance Operating System (sdc) |   931.51 GB |        -    | In Use
    Appliance Operating System (sdd) |   931.51 GB |        -    | In Use
    Base Unit Storage (unit_1)       |   4.5429 TB |        0 GB | In Use
    Expansion Unit Storage (unit_2)  |   23.635 TB |   43.765 GB | In Use

    Base Unit Storage (unit_1)
    AdvancedDisk :    744 GB
    Catalog      : 930.38 GB
    Deduplication: 2.9077 TB

    Expansion Unit Storage (unit_2)
    Deduplication: 23.592 TB

    Partition     | Total       | Available   | Used        | %Used
    AdvancedDisk  |      744 GB |   682.66 GB |   61.337 GB |     9
    Catalog       |   930.38 GB |   913.35 GB |   17.027 GB |     2
    Deduplication |     26.5 TB |   18.880 TB |   7.6191 TB |    29
    Unallocated   |   43.765 GB |        -    |        -    |    -




  • I dont have the details to hand but you can do a "move" to move the dedupe part on unit_1 to unit_2 which will put all of the de-dupe on unit_2

    Your expansion shelf doesnt look as big as it should but with only 23TB dedupe on it there should be space to do the move

    It will still not be easy to get it all back if you re-image though - I would ask support to assist here before you loose it all - better to duplicate it all of and start again i would have thought - you should be able to do a catalog restore once it is tidied up

  • I don't now how to move the msdp to the unit_2 only,after i reimage the appliance,do i need a initial configuration?And i think after the reimage,the Status of the added storage expansion unit
    will displayed as Available not New Available,how to add it and how to preserve the backed-up data?

  • You need to remove the shelf (physically unplug it) before re-imaging the appliance

    Once re-images the appliance will be like new so you will have to configure it from scratch and then do a catalog restore to get it back up and running

    At that point you will need to plug the shelf back in but may need to do all of the commands using the built in volume manager commands so that the data is not destroyed

    I am not totally sure if this will even be possible so you really need to raise a call with support and have then guide you through it to have any chance of keeping the data.

    If it was me then I would duplicate everything off it first (if possible) and then expire everything on disk, delete the SLP, Storage Unit and Disk Pool so that there were no references to it before doing a final catalog backup (to tape preferably)

    Once re-imaged add the shelf, do a catalog restore and then configure the De-Dupe pool manually.

    But get support with you all the way

  • If you look in the 2.5.3 release notes on page 22, right at the bottom you will see that it says you can re-image and retain your backup data but need to contact support and reference TECH188296

    That does not seem to be a public document so a support call is what you need to do

    Hope this helps

  • As I said - i dint think that is a public document - raise a support call and reference it - support should be able to help you out or provude the process to do this

    Good luck and keep us updated