Forum Discussion

mnakhan's avatar
Level 5
12 years ago

NB Appliance 5220 via BUI login failed and factory reset also failed


i have appliance 5220. i configured it yesterday and change its default ip  eth0 from to password not changed. initillay i have accessed BUI(mozilla firefox) from both ip's before change and after change but after lunch i only access it via ssh only. same password i try but no luck via Mozilla firefox Browswer. "login failed, please conatct ur sys admin" then i try to reset the appliance via ssh. Main->Support->factory reset its output given below,


TA5220.Support> FactoryReset
WARNING: Unable to determine current role of the appliance.

The reset operation will result in:

    -- Backup and deduplication software configuration will be reset.
    -- All the backup images will be deleted.
    -- Large number of backup images could delay this process.
    -- Admin and management user passwords will be reset to defaults.
    -- Any third-party OpenStorage plugins will be uninstalled.
    -- Any existing NetBackup users will be removed.
    -- Can take up to 15 minutes.

>> Do you want to reset the appliance? (yes/no) yes

    -- Removes all the public IP addresses.
    -- Deletes DNS, NTP, date and timezone settings.
    -- Restores on eth0 interface
    NOTE: If you are not connected to, your session will terminate

>> Do you want to reset network? (yes/no) yes

    -- Removes all the images on the AdvancedDisk and Dedupe storage pool.
    -- Resets the storage partitions.
    -- Resets storage expansion units, if any.
    NOTE: If you opt out to reset storage, storage expansion units will not be reset and attached expansion units cannot be detached.

>> Do you want to delete images and reset storage? (yes/no) yes
>> Enter private IP address for admin port 'eth0' []:
Removing existing NetBackup configuration
- [Info] Stopping NetBackup processes
- [Info] Removing current NetBackup configuration
- [Info] Performing Deduplication Engine cleanup
- [Info] Removing all storage partitions, and expansion units' storage if any on 'ta5220'...
- [Info] Stopping NetBackup processes... (2 mins approx)
- [Info] Checking whether the 'Deduplication' partition is present...
- [Info] The 'Deduplication' partition does not exist.
- [Info] Checking whether the 'AdvancedDisk' partition is present...
- [Info] The 'AdvancedDisk' partition does not exist.
- [Info] Removing /cat backups.
Adding factory default NetBackup configuration
- [Info] Creating basic NetBackup configuration on appliance 'ta5220'
- [Info] Reconfiguring NetBackup databases
- [Info] Creating a blank NetBackup database

  -> Starting NetBackup exchange service ...                          done
  -> Stopping NetBackup services ...                                  done
  -> Disabling NetBackup database ...                                 done
  -> Creating a new NetBackup database ...                            failed
  -> Starting NetBackup database server ...                           done
  -> Updating NetBackup database server name ...                      done
  -> Stopping NetBackup services ...                                  done
  -> Starting NetBackup services ...                                  done
  -> Updating NetBackup EMM database ...                              failed
- [Error] Failed to reconfigure NetBackup database.
- [Info] Reinstallation of the appliance may solve the issue.
- [Info] Reinstallation of the appliance may solve the issue.
Failed to reset the appliance. Retry the operation after rebooting the appliance.


kindly suggest what i do?


i try many options mentioned in forum discussion but no luck. i also change the admin password via maintenance-> root user login and passwd admin for change admin password. its behaviour remains the same login via ssh is perfect but GUI login failed.....

is any possibility to connect via mozilla firefox browserr?



Muhammad Noman Alam

  • Check this out, might be the same thing:

    Also, I've had similar where the installation was interrupted for some reason and the java security file got corrupted.


    1. Verify whether the appliance hostname is correct in the security certificate file:

    In the example below the appliance real hostname is missing, say the real hostname is 'abc', the hostname indeed appears as the appliance default name nb-appliance:


    /opt/SYMCnbappws/Security # strings keystore









    1. Save the original security certificate file:

    /opt/SYMCnbappws/Security # cp keystore

    1. Stop appliance webserver services:

    /opt/SYMCnbappws/bin # sh /opt/SYMCnbappws/bin/ stop

    Stopping NetBackup Appliance Web Server

    Stopping NetBackup Appliance Web Server Service

    Stopping Authentication Service


    1.  Make sure the appliance webserver services are down:

    /opt/SYMCnbappws/bin # sh /opt/SYMCnbappws/bin/ monitor

    Authentication service is down

    Private Branch Exchange service is up

    NetBackup Appliance Web Server is down


    1. Generate a new certificate:


    /opt/SYMCnbappws/Security # /usr/java/latest/bin/keytool -genkeypair -alias NetBackupApplianceUI -keyalg RSA -keypass appliance -validity 3650  -dname "CN=<appliance hostname>, ou=NetBackupApplianceUI, o=<appliance hostname>" -storepass appliance -keystore /opt/SYMCnbappws/Security/keystore


    1. Now view the security certificate file, this time appliance hostname 'abc' should be present:


    /opt/SYMCnbappws/Security # strings keystore









    1. Start appliance webserver services:


    sh /opt/SYMCnbappws/bin/ start


    1. Login to the appliance WEB UI now should be successful.


  • hi chrisb.

    thanx for reply. i tried but no luck so i reconfigure the appliance using falsh drive 2.5 and sturck the login name means admin/P@ssw0rd not worked.

    invalid login


    Were you able to sucessfully generat the keystore using this script ?

     /usr/java/latest/bin/keytool -genkeypair -alias NetBackupApplianceUI -keyalg RSA -keypass appliance -validity 3650 -dname "CN=<appliance hostname>, ou=NetBackupApplianceUI, o=<appliance hostname>" -storepass appliance -keystore /opt/SYMCnbappws/Security/keystore


    If Yes:

    See if you can assign role to the appliace going into Appliance -> Master, and check the credentials. if that doesn't work, Re-image the appliance, remove everything - using usb on the back side of the appliance.

    If No: save a copy of original keystore and remove the original keystore. Once you secure the copy then regenerate the keystore.

  • I did landed in same issue right after moving into production

    Had to re-image completely and appliance 2.5.2 update, thereafter it went smoothly

    Go ahead and give a try if you already backed up data from disk stores