Forum Discussion

rookie11's avatar
10 years ago

NBU appliance 5220 - access to script output

Hi Folks I ran few scripts on my nbu appliance and output saved at location /home/maintenance/tmp . there are close to around 6 files with output saved in them. Please tell me various methods i...
  • sdo's avatar
    10 years ago


    Method 5 - on *n*x admin host copy files from appliance NFS export
    ...on appliance:
         Manage > Software > Share Open
    ...on *n*x admin host:
         cd ~
         mkdir incoming
         mount -t nfs m.m.m.m:/inst/patch/incoming ${PWD}/incoming
    ! I could't get this to work from my Mac...
    ! ...but it did work from another SuSE host...
    ...copy files:
         cd wherever
         cp blah ${PWD}/incoming
    ...when finished...
    ...on *n*x admin host:
         umount -t nfs ${PWD}/incoming
    ...on appliance:
         Manage > Software > Share Close
    Method 6 - on appliance copy files to NFS export on Windows 2008 R2 SP1 admin host
    ...on Windows 2008 R2 SP1 admin host:
         FYI - you only need to do this sub-section once... install NFS Service for Windows...
         Server Manager, Roles, Add Role, File Services, File Server and Services for Network File System
         reboot the Windows 2008 R2 SP1 admin host
         run Windows Update several times, until no more patches are installed
    ( out - make sure Internet Explorer 11 is not auto-select, unless of course you want it...)
         reboot the Windows 2008 R2 SP1 admin host
    ...create a target folder:
         cd /d %homedrive%%homepath%
         mkdir myexport
         explorer %cd%
    ...right click the 'myexport' folder, select Properties...
         select  NFS Sharing tab...
         click   Manage NFS Sharing...
         tick    Share this folder
         click   Permissions
         change  ALL MACHINES access to No Access
         add     m.m.m.m (i.e. the IP address of appliance), read-write, allow root
         click   OK
         click   OK
         click   Apply
         click   OK
         click   Close
         (...the folder itself does not need everyone:full or authenticated-users:full)
    ...on appliance:
         Manage > Mountpoints
              Mount a.a.a.a:/myexport /mnt/remote/myexport nfs
    ...copy files:
         Support > Maintenance > Elevate
         cd wherever
         cp blah /mnt/remote/myexport
    ...when finished...
    ...on appliance:
         Manage > Mountpoints
              Unmount /mnt/remote/myexport
    ...on Windows 2008 R2 SP1 admin host:
    ...right click the 'myexport' folder, select Properties...
         select   NFS Sharing tab...
         click    Manage NFS Sharing...
         un-tick  Share this folder
         click    Apply
         click    OK
         click    Close