Forum Discussion

3 Replies

  • Not sure how the Appliance is linked to Live Update Server.... do you want to config the Appliance as LU server?

    Probably best to config the master as LU server.

    See this manual for instructions:


  • hi,

    thnk u for the reply, i have appliance configured as Media server, thing is i have a VM which i have configured as opscenter and in the same i want to have the Live update server running.

    I have done the initial configuration for the live update (configured IIS server, created a share drive with the patches) but when i initiate the live update policy from the master server am getting error with status code 77

    i wanted to know are there any ports required to be opened from both client and server end.


  • It seems that this post should rather be in the general NetBackup forum and not in the Appliance forum, right?

    I have no 1st-hand experience with Live Update, and cannot find any specific port requirements.

    The manual merely lists the following:

    Before you can use NetBackup LiveUpdate, you must set up and configure your
    NetBackup LiveUpdate server. This server can be either a Web server or a shared
    disk. The only requirement is that it must be accessible by all of the NetBackup
    hosts that you want to update.
    Note: Currently, using a Windows shared disk requires the share to be set up as
    a null share. For more details, refer to the following Technote at
    Probably a good idea to go carefully through the LiveUpdate manual to see if anything was missed.
    Good luck!