Forum Discussion

mhhwang_1007's avatar
2 years ago

netbackup appliance 5240 doesn`t boot


hello ~
NetBackup 5240 3.1.2 Test Device does not boot. After the Q-logic adapter 0~5 disable state, only the prompt is displayed on the screen. What should I do at this time?


  • davidmoline's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hi mhhwang_1007 

    The default boot device should not be set to intel but this (legacy boot mode; static boot order) - then the order should be:
    Hard Disk #1 <#8400 ID1E LUN0 LSI Logical>
    Hard Disk #2 <#8400 ID1D LUN0 LSI Logical>
    Hard Disk #3 <(Bus01 Dev00) Intel® RAID Ctlr>
    Hard Disk #4 <(Bus86 Dev00) Intel ® RAID Ctlr>

    Try that and see if it boots.


  • Hi mhhwang_1007 

    See if you are able to get into the appliance BIOS - type the F6 key during the POST sequence (multiple times for good measure). Either use an attached keyboard or use the soft keyboard via the IMPI console. 

    From there see if you can find the boot device. 

    Otherwise, your best option is to log a support case.


  • i already tried to F6 - select INTEL* boot

    but unfortunately same situation


    and i was case open, but hardware service ended. not EOSL, EOS

    • davidmoline's avatar
      Level 6

      Hi mhhwang_1007 

      The next thing to try would be to boot of a CD (a soft CD can be attached via the IMPI) and see if you can recover the OS from there. I'd suggest trying a RHEL 8.x image and drop into the recovery setting to see what you can do. 

      Alternately, if you don't care what happens to the data on the appliance you could also try re-imaging it using a NetBackup appliance iso image.


      • mhhwang_1007's avatar
        Level 3

        Hmm already trired to reimage 3 Times. i take IPMI Reimage ( virtual USB redirection, ISO File), and Physical Reimage ( 3.1.2.img File used by Rufus) Thank you for help me

  • Might have loosened something if you moved your pc recently. Can try reseating all the components to ensure a better connection.Could be a failing power supply or one of your other components failing. Id try reseating first

    • mhhwang_1007's avatar
      Level 3

      Some hours ago i was reconnected to HBA Card 2EA with Raid Card. but same situation... 

      • davidmoline's avatar
        Level 6

        Hi mhhwang_1007 

        The default boot device should not be set to intel but this (legacy boot mode; static boot order) - then the order should be:
        Hard Disk #1 <#8400 ID1E LUN0 LSI Logical>
        Hard Disk #2 <#8400 ID1D LUN0 LSI Logical>
        Hard Disk #3 <(Bus01 Dev00) Intel® RAID Ctlr>
        Hard Disk #4 <(Bus86 Dev00) Intel ® RAID Ctlr>

        Try that and see if it boots.
