Parallel Execution of AIR
Hi All,
Thanks for your always guidance.
There is one query regarding the AIR.
Can multiple AIR job be executed parallely?
If yes then what is the procedure ?
If not, then how multiple AIR jobs are executed.
I have tried it, i executed multiple backups for AIR, then at a time only one backup job is activated and all other are placed in queue.
The parameters that I asked you to checks are BASICS....
What type of storage unit have you created for backups? (The backup destination selected in SLP)
Depending on the type of disk storage unit, you need to select the max number of simultaneous jobs that can write to the STU.
You do this when you create the STU or afterwards by editing the STU.
From cmd, you can show us with this command:bpstulist -L
(command is in ....netbackup\bin\admincmd)If you want a single client to run more than one job simultaneously, you go to Host Properties -> Master Server -> Global Attributes
Multiplexing in Policies is selected in the Schedules. The default is 1.
See if this posts helps:
You may also want to read up in NBU Admin Guide I about Multiplexing and how jobs are generated...