Forum Discussion

mdl1's avatar
Level 2
4 years ago

Would appreciate some clarity around NetBackupCLI role


I'm trying to work out how to use a NetBackup 5240 appliance (running 3.1.2) without being able to access it due to CV19. Shell access is confusing me and I would be grateful if someone can confirm if I've got the following right or not:

1) Local users with either the Administrator or NetBackupCLI roles can access the Shell Menu via SSH.

2) Administrator users will be presented with a menu based view. They can access a restricted shell via Support > Maintenance. They will be prompted for the maintenance user's password (which defaults to P@ssw0rd).

3) NetBackupCLI users will log straight into the restricted shell. They do not have access to the menu based view.

4) At this point both sets of users have accessed the same restricted shell. NetBackup commands can be invoked directly (not prefixed by sudo) or by using the full path (prefixed with sudo).

5) Administrator users have the option to use elevate to gain root priviliges (after disabling the intrusion prevention system). This is not required to run NetBackup commands but is required to run any OS commands which would normally require elevated privileges. NetBackupCLI users do not have this option.

6) It is best practice to use a NetBackupCLI user to access the restricted shell rather than an Administrator user.

Thank-you for taking the time to read this.



  • 1 - Yes

    2 - Yes (this is commonly refered to as the CLISH - command line shell).  

    3 - Yes

    4 - Yes

    5 - Yes

    6 - Yes.  I don't know this is ever actually called out as a 'best practice' anywhere, but if you need remote access to the system for operating NBU specifically, this is a good way to do that.  There's nothing off the top of my head I can think of related to NBU those CLI users cannot do.  

2 Replies

  • 1 - Yes

    2 - Yes (this is commonly refered to as the CLISH - command line shell).  

    3 - Yes

    4 - Yes

    5 - Yes

    6 - Yes.  I don't know this is ever actually called out as a 'best practice' anywhere, but if you need remote access to the system for operating NBU specifically, this is a good way to do that.  There's nothing off the top of my head I can think of related to NBU those CLI users cannot do.  

    • mdl1's avatar
      Level 2

      Thank-you Charles: much appreciated.