Forum Discussion

RajkumarBaniwal's avatar
11 years ago

need clarity on netbackup questions

Hi ,


Can anyone please help me on below qustions answer:

1. What is command to list media servers in Solaris10 netbackup master server

2. How many master server/s can be hold by one EMM server?

3. What is Sybase version of Netbackup 7.0 EMM?

4. Netbackup Vmware backups are at what level(file level or block level) [ As per my understanding, if we are taking backup of *.vmdk, then it is at file level, and we are taking backup through vmware backup host then it should depends whether BLIB is selcetd then it is of block level] , please confirm if i am correct?  

5. Difference between HCART and LTO?



Rajkumar Baniwal

  • 1. What is command to list media servers in Solaris10 netbackup master server

    nbemmcmd -listhosts will tell you - not sure what you really are looking for there.

    2. How many master server/s can be hold by one EMM server?

    This is version dependent.  As of 7.6 the EMM Server is the master server (remote emm server no longer supported).

    3. What is Sybase version of Netbackup 7.0 EMM?

    Check the /usr/openv/db/log/server.log file - it will have the latest version in it the last time it started up.

    I'm 95% sure that 7.0 used a version of ASA 9, 7.1 and 7.5 use 11, 7.6 uses 12.

    4. Netbackup Vmware backups are at what level(file level or block level) [ As per my understanding, if we are taking backup of *.vmdk, then it is at file level, and we are taking backup through vmware backup host then it should depends whether BLIB is selcetd then it is of block level] , please confirm if i am correct?

    Not sure - I think you're right but I'd have to research to be sure.

    5. Difference between HCART and LTO?

    Vendors / types of media.

7 Replies

  • Before ANYBODY answers your questions:

    1. What are you reasons for asking these questions? Are these interview or exam questions?

    2. What have you done thus far to try and find answers to these questions?

    3. Why do you feel that knowing Sybase version is important?

    4. Have you tried to read NBU for VMware Admin Guide? Or the many blogs on Connect about VMware?

    5. Do you have an actual backup environment that you are managing? Or helping to manage?

    6. Are you using tape in your environment?
    If so, what type of tape drive? (Physical hardware make/model)
    What is the media type/density in NBU?

    PLEASE, fellow Connect users!

    Help Rajkumar to become self-sufficient and find own answers! 

  • Hi Marraine,  

    Below are the answers to your query,

    1. Some are interview questions that I faced and some are using in my environment.

    2. I tried my best to search google and connect blogs but did not find any relevant answer.

    3. It was a intervw question :)  

    4. Searched Connect blogs only.

    5. We are manging our backup environment on SL3000

    6. Yes we are using tapes,

    HP Ultrium4 scsi  and media type HCART and density LTO4 media



    Rajkumar Baniwal

  • 1. What is command to list media servers in Solaris10 netbackup master server

    nbemmcmd -listhosts will tell you - not sure what you really are looking for there.

    2. How many master server/s can be hold by one EMM server?

    This is version dependent.  As of 7.6 the EMM Server is the master server (remote emm server no longer supported).

    3. What is Sybase version of Netbackup 7.0 EMM?

    Check the /usr/openv/db/log/server.log file - it will have the latest version in it the last time it started up.

    I'm 95% sure that 7.0 used a version of ASA 9, 7.1 and 7.5 use 11, 7.6 uses 12.

    4. Netbackup Vmware backups are at what level(file level or block level) [ As per my understanding, if we are taking backup of *.vmdk, then it is at file level, and we are taking backup through vmware backup host then it should depends whether BLIB is selcetd then it is of block level] , please confirm if i am correct?

    Not sure - I think you're right but I'd have to research to be sure.

    5. Difference between HCART and LTO?

    Vendors / types of media.

  • Thanks a lot Deb Wilmart.



  • I am with Bob on this one...

    Purchasing of exam dumps on the Internet is against Symantec Terms and Conditions.

    1. nbemmcmd is one of the first commands a post-6.0 Backup Admin should learn... 
    Start by typing 'nbemmcmd -help' to see a list of keywords.

    2. ONE

    3. I have never needed to know this. My answer would be to check server.conf - same as per Deb's post. (You will notice that not even Deb is 100% sure). I would have failed this interview question.  wink

    4. Your understanding seems to be correct. I too would have to look for answers.

    5. You have answered your own question.
    HP Ultrium4 = LTO (physical hardware). 
    HCART = NBU density/media type

  • How did this thread get hostile?

    I'm a little upset by the tone of this exchange.  It seems as if there is a bit of attacking going on.

    NetBackup Certification is tough.  I've been involved with writing the questions for the test several times now and there are very few 'easy' questions on the test.

    Personally speaking, I have to commonly look up things - even though I've been working exclusively on the product for 14 years.  The product is so huge and sometimes the answers are difficult to find; on occassion it's easier to ask after your first 30 minutes of research turns up nothing (even on the internal sites I have access too!).

    I guess I'm just trying to ask that people not be attacked for asking questions.  I do not want to have people get the impression that they are going to get a 'slap down' if they ask something that some of us may concern elementary.


    Thanks and think sunshine and rainbows.



  • I agree - we will never know everything and continue to learn. Me too!

    Seems exam questions are easier to find than interview questions! wink

    Apologies for any 'hostile' comments....
    We really need to see that some effort has been made to find answers....