Forum Discussion

JamesUCO's avatar
Level 2
12 years ago

Backup Issues with MS SQL

Here is the lay out of my issue I can not get a backup of a simple sql database.

i am running NBU, on 2008 servers for master and media.  client is 2008 server with client installed.  all servers x64.  Sql 2008 standard. I created a simple policy, just going to do a backup of master db.  I created the bch file and have it in the policy set. i added the account for the client to the services log on as, and have gotten sql system access. i also have the account as a local admin.  i was wondering if someone could provide me some input.

03/19/2013 11:11:58 - Info nbjm (pid=3504) starting backup job (jobid=43900) for client *********, policy MS-SQL-test, schedule Default-Application-Backup
03/19/2013 11:11:58 - Info nbjm (pid=3504) requesting MEDIA_SERVER_WITH_ATTRIBUTES resources from RB for backup job (jobid=43900, request id:{AEF6653E-0ED8-4ED1-9783-F439154B3D5F})
03/19/2013 11:11:58 - requesting resource media-***********
03/19/2013 11:11:58 - requesting resource *********.uco.local.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.*********
03/19/2013 11:11:58 - requesting resource *********.uco.local.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.MS-SQL-test
03/19/2013 11:11:58 - granted resource  *********.uco.local.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.*********
03/19/2013 11:11:58 - granted resource  *********.uco.local.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.MS-SQL-test
03/19/2013 11:11:58 - granted resource  media-********
03/19/2013 11:11:59 - estimated 0 kbytes needed
03/19/2013 11:11:59 - Info nbjm (pid=3504) started backup (backupid=*********_1363709518) job for client *******, policy MS-SQL-test, schedule Default-Application-Backup on storage unit media-*********
03/19/2013 11:12:00 - started process bpbrm (pid=5328)
03/19/2013 11:12:02 - Info bpbrm (pid=5328) ********* is the host to backup data from
03/19/2013 11:12:02 - Info bpbrm (pid=5328) reading file list from client
03/19/2013 11:12:03 - connecting
03/19/2013 11:12:05 - Info bpbrm (pid=5328) starting bphdb on client
03/19/2013 11:12:05 - Info bphdb (pid=7028) Backup started
03/19/2013 11:12:05 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
03/19/2013 11:12:08 - Info dbclient (pid=8644) INF - BACKUP STARTED USING
03/19/2013 11:12:08 - Info dbclient (pid=8644) Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP2) - 10.50.4000.0 (X64)
03/19/2013 11:12:08 - Info dbclient (pid=8644) Jun 28 2012 08:36:30
03/19/2013 11:12:08 - Info dbclient (pid=8644) Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
03/19/2013 11:12:08 - Info dbclient (pid=8644) Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1)
03/19/2013 11:12:08 - Info dbclient (pid=8644) Batch = master.bch, Op# = 1
03/19/2013 11:12:08 - Info dbclient (pid=8644) INF - Using backup image *********.MSSQL7.*********\*********_TEST.db.master.~.7.001of001.20130319111207..C
03/19/2013 11:12:09 - Info dbclient (pid=8644) INF - backup database "master" to VIRTUAL_DEVICE='VNBU0-8644-9160-1363709528' with  stats = 10, blocksize = 65536, maxtransfersize = 4194304, buffercount = 2
03/19/2013 11:12:09 - Info dbclient (pid=8644) INF - Number of stripes: 1, Number of buffers per stripe 2.
03/19/2013 11:12:09 - Info dbclient (pid=8644) INF - Created VDI object for SQL Server instance <*********_TEST>. Connection timeout is <300> seconds.
03/19/2013 11:12:23 - Info dbclient (pid=8644) ERR - Error in VxBSACreateObject: 3.
03/19/2013 11:12:23 - Info dbclient (pid=8644)     CONTINUATION: - System detected error, operation aborted.
03/19/2013 11:12:23 - Info dbclient (pid=8644) ERR - Error in GetCommand: 0x80770004.
03/19/2013 11:12:23 - Info dbclient (pid=8644)     CONTINUATION: - An abort request is preventing anything except termination actions.
03/19/2013 11:12:26 - Info dbclient (pid=8644) ERR - Error in VDS->Close: 0x80770004.
03/19/2013 11:12:27 - Info dbclient (pid=8644)     CONTINUATION: - An abort request is preventing anything except termination actions.
03/19/2013 11:12:27 - Info dbclient (pid=8644) INF - OPERATION #1 of batch master.bch FAILED with STATUS 1 (0 is normal). Elapsed time = 20(20) seconds.
03/19/2013 11:12:29 - Info dbclient (pid=8644) INF - Results of executing <master.bch>:
03/19/2013 11:12:29 - Info dbclient (pid=8644) <0> operations succeeded. <1> operations failed.
03/19/2013 11:12:29 - Info dbclient (pid=8644) INF - The following object(s) were not backed up successfully.
03/19/2013 11:12:29 - Info dbclient (pid=8644) INF - master
03/19/2013 11:12:29 - Error bpbrm (pid=5328) from client *********: ERR - command failed: none of the requested files were backed up (2)
03/19/2013 11:12:29 - Error bpbrm (pid=5328) from client *********: ERR - bphdb exit status = 2: none of the requested files were backed up
03/19/2013 11:12:31 - end writing
none of the requested files were backed up  (2)

  • Your log says "INFO Server Status:  no schedules of the correct type exist in this policy"

    Have you specified a policy name in the .bch file?

    The client needs to be in a SQL Policy and it needs the default application backup schedule to be able to run

    Check that everything is right with the policy and the bch file (usually best not to specify a policy in the bch file incase it every gets renamed

7 Replies

  • Have you setup the database connection OK using the NetBackup SQL GUI on the client OK?

    Just to double check .. you need the NetBackup client service and NetBackup Legacy Network Service both setting to use an account that has sysadmin rights to the databases.

    On the client look under \veritas\netbackup\logs\mssql_backup_failures and post the log on here

  • I setup the database connection, and that works i see all i need to.  I tried a backup from the client gui, but it fails also. i change the services to match, and restart nbu services. here is the log file.

    TIMESTAMP 20130319125249
    MASTERSERVER ****************
    CLIENT ****************
    INSTANCE ****************\****************_TEST
    DATABASE master
    STATUS 240
    INFO Server Status:  no schedules of the correct type exist in this policy
    INFO Error in VxBSACreateObject: 3.
    INFO System detected error, operation aborted.
    INFO Error in GetCommand: 0x80770004.
    INFO An abort request is preventing anything except termination actions.

  • We had similar type of issue. We recreated the *.bch script from client server end(using MSSQL agent) and configured it in policy for backup. Worked for us. hope it helps.


    + Dan

  • Your log says "INFO Server Status:  no schedules of the correct type exist in this policy"

    Have you specified a policy name in the .bch file?

    The client needs to be in a SQL Policy and it needs the default application backup schedule to be able to run

    Check that everything is right with the policy and the bch file (usually best not to specify a policy in the bch file incase it every gets renamed

  • Update, I fixed it by deleting my policy and starting over and now i am able to backup a database. Thanks for all who helped me solve this problem.