Forum Discussion

littlefry's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Basic Disk Images

We have a media server with 16TB of basic disk storage used as temporary staging for backup images. After the images are written to disk they are written to tape using DSSU policies.


I need to reload the media server but I can't until the images are duplicated to tape. Is there a command to list all the images on the disk storage units so I can see what images have not expired and have been written to tape? I don't want to delete backups that haven't been written to tape yet.

  • 1. Open NetBackup Java Console or Administration Console

    2. Go To "Catalog"

    3. Select "Copy 2" in Copies field

    4. Select Date Range

    5. In the Results pane. Right Click --> Filter --> Primary Copy --> equals to --> No

    6. This will show you all images that are duplicated but its Copy 1 still exists on disk storage unit.

    **** Make sure all the copy 2 images are duplicated from the specific disk storage unit*** if you have multiple disk storage unit. You can add filter specific for this media server, etc.

    7. Copy the contents on excel sheet and extract backup images from it.


    Now you can execute below command for expiring copy 1 image from the basic disk storage unit ::

    bpexpdate -backupid <backup id> -copy 1 -d 0 -force

    ***** Make sure to add "- copy 1" in the command otherwise it will expire both backup images ***

4 Replies

  • 1. Open NetBackup Java Console or Administration Console

    2. Go To "Catalog"

    3. Select "Copy 2" in Copies field

    4. Select Date Range

    5. In the Results pane. Right Click --> Filter --> Primary Copy --> equals to --> No

    6. This will show you all images that are duplicated but its Copy 1 still exists on disk storage unit.

    **** Make sure all the copy 2 images are duplicated from the specific disk storage unit*** if you have multiple disk storage unit. You can add filter specific for this media server, etc.

    7. Copy the contents on excel sheet and extract backup images from it.


    Now you can execute below command for expiring copy 1 image from the basic disk storage unit ::

    bpexpdate -backupid <backup id> -copy 1 -d 0 -force

    ***** Make sure to add "- copy 1" in the command otherwise it will expire both backup images ***

  • I ran the report with the filter and got a long list of images. One thing to note is that we have some backups going to disk and others going directly to tape so I am not sure about expiring all copy 1 images from the command you listed.


    Also is there a way to list the images from the actual data store? We have been running catalog reports and there are images on disk that we cannot find listed anywhere in the catalog reports. It sounds like they are orphaned but how should we deal with those images?

  • You can use bpimmedia. Specify the storage unit, disk type, disk pool to target the device you're looking for.

    bpimmedia [-disk_stu storage_unit_label | [-dt disk_type | -stype server_type [-dp disk_pool_name [-dv disk_volume]] [-legacy]]] [-l | -L] [-disk | -tape] [-policy policy_name] [-client client_name] [-d date time] [-e date time] [-mediaid media_id | path_name] [-mtype image_type] [-option option_name] [-rl retlevel] [-sl sched_label] [-t sched_type] [-M master_server...] [-verbose]

  • Not sure why you want to expire all disk images? If you are going to reload the media server or even migrate it to new hardware, there should be no need to do anything to the disk storage. Just deactivate media server, reinstall server with same hostname, install NBU, attach disk storage (and tape), activate media server.