Forum Discussion

Tape_Robot's avatar
Level 3
14 years ago

bpimagelist results are not complete. (missing entries)

My setup:

I am using Netbackup 6.5 running on an AIX master server. I am running bpimagelist on the backup server directly (local query). I am using a Windows version of Netbackup 6.5 to issue restore commands from the Backup, Archive, and Restore GUI program. 

My goal:

I want to make a list of all the tapes needed to restore every bit of data ever backed up from a server $1. I also need the date correlation to the media ID.

My method:

bpimagelist -media -U -client $1 -d 01/01/1970 > tapelist.txt

($1 = the name of the server that was backed up)

The problem:

At first glance the data appears to be what I want. So I have my list and I open up the GUI "Backup, Archive and Restore" because this is what I am using to restore said data. There is a clear relationship between the green check marks, the dates above them and the Media ID reported by "Preview Media" and the results of my bpimagelist command. However there are a significant number of backups available to restore within the GUI that are not on the list created by the bpimagelist command. There are no inconsistencies with the data that the two lists share but they are not identical in that the GUI has more total backups than the command line admits to. The missing entries are not at the begining or the end but they are randomly missing from the middle. (ex. day 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10)

The Question:

Can anyone tell me why my bpimagelist command would return an incomplete list of days and tapes? I promise that all of the backups occured after 1970 so they should all be within the scope of my search, right?

This kind of inconsistancy completely destroys my faith in this application. How can I count on this software to protect my data?

  • Here you are ...

    Not the neastest way, but need to dash out ...


    bpmedialist -l |awk '{print $1}' |while read TAPE
    bpimmedia -mediaid $TAPE |grep IMAGE |awk '{print $4}' |while read LINE
    DATE=$(echo $LINE |awk -F_ '{print $2}' |awk '{print $1}')
    REALDATE=$(bpdbm -ctime $DATE |awk -F= '{print $2}')


    Gives this output ...

    TAPE04   womble_1305812840    Thu May 19 14:47:20 2011
    TAPE04   womble_1305811981    Thu May 19 14:33:01 2011
    TAPE05   womble_1305814567    Thu May 19 15:16:07 2011
    TAPE05   womble_1305814384    Thu May 19 15:13:04 2011



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