calender schedule
Hello All
NBU master+media all at I have close to around 50 policies. all of them have calender schedule for yearly backups. I need to verify their annual calender schedule. It should have January 1st week date. I thought small script would do the job. output like policy name and Calendar sched: Enabled then dates. I have used bppllist numerous times before. But when I ran bppllist output do not show specific dates which are actually present in policies. I check in GUI, policies do have calender schedule present in them. But why it do not appear in command output. Hence i am unable to write a script.
nbuapp3:/home/maintenance # bppllist Clients_SYS -U | more
Policy Name: Clients_SYS
Policy Type: MS-Windows
Active: yes
Schedule: Full_Annual
Type: Full Backup
Maximum MPX: 1
Synthetic: 0
Checksum Change Detection: 0
PFI Recovery: 0
Retention Level: 0 (15 days)
Number Copies: 1
Fail on Error: 0
Residence: nbuapp1
Volume Pool: (same as policy volume pool)
Server Group: (same as specified for policy)
Calendar sched: Enabled
Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy: 1
Schedule indexing: 0
Daily Windows:
Saturday 20:50:00 --> Monday 02:20:00
A bppllist or bpplsched (with -L) will give you something like this for calendar-based schedule:
Calendar sched: Enabled
Allowed to retry after run day
Included Dates-----------
Monday, Week 1
Monday, Week 2
Monday, Week 3
Monday, Week 4
Monday, Week 5
Excluded Dates----------
No specific exclude dates entered
No exclude days of week enteredBut it won't give you the exact date as this is calculated internally by nbpem. As SymTerry pointed out, the nbpemreq predict can give you the next (calculated) run date.