Forum Discussion

BVshet's avatar
Level 5
9 years ago

Cannot connect to robotic daemon 42

Hi Team,

I am getting the above mentioned error when I run inventory of robot from a media server.

Its a SL8500 tape library and we have win 2008 r2 master and media server working at NBU

I can ping and telnet the ACSLS server also the lib attach works fine.

Please help.


  • Yes.

    If there is one robot with no drives, then it will cause acsd to stop.
    When you add ACS robot, you also need to add a drive for that robot.

    This was the reason for my question on 14 Jan:
    ... have you added tape drives to the ACS robot added to the media server?

    I have also asked you to add VERBOSE entry to vm.conf on 23 Jan.
    This will cause the reason for acsd going down to be logged in Windows Event Viewer Application log.

    It seems you only have one drive for ACS(1).

    Delete ACS(0) robot and then restart NBU on the media server.

10 Replies

  • Did you see this:


  • Is this a new setup that has never worked or a config that has been working fine previously? If new - have you added tape drives to the ACS robot added to the media server? Are drives on the media server in ACS mode/control? If previously fine - Which processes are running on the media server? Drives in ACS control or AVR?
  • Hi Marianne,

    The configurations were working fine, now I notice thatd rive is in AVR mode.

    The below are the services that are running.


  • You can see that no ACS processes are running. Please stop NBU completely from cmd with bpdown. Add VERBOSE entry to vm.conf. Use 'Services' to restart Symantec Private Branch Exchange. Start NBU from cmd with : bpup -f -v Please post output. If acs processes do not start or start but goes down again, please check Event Viewer Application log for errors.
  • Hi Marianne,

    We have two robots and there is tape drive configured for only one tape drive.

    I checked some previous posts and found that this might cause ACSD to stop.

    Can you please advice if taht is causing the issue.




  • C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin>tpconfig.exe -d
    Id  DriveName           Type   Residence
          SCSI coordinates/Path                                            Status
    0   ACS_0.3.1.6_CDCE_... hcart2 ACS(1)  ACS=0, LSM=3, PANEL=1, DRIVE=6
          {3,0,0,0}                                                        UP

    Currently defined robotics are:
      ACS(0)     ACSLS server = ukgbdctlcpu001
      ACS(1)     ACSLS server = UKGBDCTLCPU002

    EMM Server = ukgbdcbkppw021

  • Yes.

    If there is one robot with no drives, then it will cause acsd to stop.
    When you add ACS robot, you also need to add a drive for that robot.

    This was the reason for my question on 14 Jan:
    ... have you added tape drives to the ACS robot added to the media server?

    I have also asked you to add VERBOSE entry to vm.conf on 23 Jan.
    This will cause the reason for acsd going down to be logged in Windows Event Viewer Application log.

    It seems you only have one drive for ACS(1).

    Delete ACS(0) robot and then restart NBU on the media server.

  • Hi Marianne,

    Thanks for the guidance, will test this and get back to you.




  • Hi Marianne,

    Thanks it worked.

    Appreciate the guidance.


