Forum Discussion

sathyam's avatar
Level 2
14 years ago

Client Based Deduplication - Configuration



We have Netbackup 7.0 x64bit os master server and want to test the client side deduplication. I followed the procedure as given in the admin guide and ran the backup. Backup was successful and i am able to see the storage space reduction. I have configured for "Client side deduplication" in order to reduce the backup window time. But i noticed that there is no reduction in Backup Window, Even though i ran the policy many times.


As per my knowledge the only difference in Media Server Dedupe and Client based dedupe in terms of configuration is to select the client in the master server properties and to check "Always perform Client based dedupelication".


Please suggest if any configuration is required for client based deduplication configuration in order to reduce the backup window time



Thanks in advance

Expecting your valuable suggestions and solution


4 Replies

  • Dedupe just deduce the amount of data to tranfer and store. So if performance bottleneck resides on the points other than network transer and storage path,  you would get no performance improvement with dedupe.

    It is possible to get slower performance with dedupe because of dedupe operation latency & delay.

  • The NBU client will still perform his activities as always, meaning that it will scan and backup files as it did before. The data is moved to the dedupe layer who compares it to the already stored data.

    If the read performance from disk is slower than what you can push through the network even without dedupe from client, you will not see any difference.

    Using dedupe the amount of data traveling through the network will be much less of course.

  • Dear All,

    Thank you for your comments. The OS is WIndows 2003 32 Bit in the client side.  The Server is Windows 2008 64 bit.


    As per Mr. Alain comments "If the read performance from disk is slower than what you can push through the network even without dedupe from client, you will not see any difference". Please let us know how we can verify in the system and how to fix it.


