Forum Discussion

derfur's avatar
Level 3
8 years ago

"Configure drive name rules" wizard abnormal termination.

When try to start "Configure drive name rules" in Device configuration wizard I got error "Abnormal termination of child by signal = 11".

Then, when try to start it via CLI:

tpautoconf -list_rule -all 

#tpautoconf -list_rule -all
Host Name Drive Name Rule
========= ===============
master-backup HN:#_:SN
Segmentation Fault (core dumped)

And next command work fine for rules list of local server. 

#tpautoconf -list_rule
Host Name Drive Name Rule
========= ===============
master-backup HN:#_:SN

And more intresting: On media server command work fine.

[media]#tpautoconf -list_rule -all
Host Name Drive Name Rule
========= ===============
master-backup HN:#_:SN

What should I check? May the problem linked with media servers?

tpcommand log not informational for me.

P.S. All the rest work fine(regarding tpautoconf, tpconfig e.t.c.).

P.P.S. I have two backup domains, and I dot this error on both of them.

3 Replies

  • If you know how to use officially unsupported commands and you belive that tpautoconf crashes because of incorrect rule you can run:

    # /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpautoconf -delete_rule -all -global

    after that you can configure new rule.

    default rule should look like this:


    # /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpautoconf -list_rule -all
    Host Name                                     Drive Name Rule
    =========                                     ===============
    GLOBAL                                        VEND:#.:PROD:#.:IDX


  • Hi,

    Just got same error, looks like I've configured some wrong characters in Local Drive Naming rule.

    I reverted it back to work after resetting "LocalDriveSeed" value to default ""

    You may get current LocalDriveSeed from nbemmcmd -listhosts -verbose

    And change it using nbemmcmd -updatehost -localdriveseed ....  (I've used sql update instead)

    The only one default entry - GlobalDriveSeed = "VEND:#.:PROD:#.:IDX" for Master server must exist to make

    tpautoconf -all -list_rule -java and Dev Config wizard back to work.


    • AlChie's avatar
      Level 4

      I wonder if this kind of prolem may lead to error regarding Invalid Drive Number:

      When we tried to configure new storage devices with Configuration Wizard we received error  (Screenshot 1) (Segmentation Fault – core dumped) while changing drive name rules.

      Nevertheless we succeeded with robot and drive discovery and were able to create a storage unit.(Configuration wizard finished without errors)

      But when we try to start the policy with this Storage Unit we receive this kind of errors (Screenshot2)

      We have tried to configure other drives and robots from another Library but the results were always the same.

      The media server  on which we have been doing discovery and previously configured SU’s assigned to it are working properly. (ltid, avrd services are up and jobs finish successfully)