Hi again.
So, I am trying to do a cross restore, but keep getting this error message. I have tried a bunch of things, yet nothing seems to work.
Server: Windows 2008 R2, Netbackup
Source client: windows 2003, netbackup client. Physical server.
Destination client: Windows 2008 R2, Netbackup Virtual server, with VMware. Has a 1tb lun assigned.
This is a file server I am trying to virtualize, so I want to move all my data from the source to the destination.
I tried restoring files from the source to the source, and the destination, to the destination. No problem there.
But each time I try to go from Source to Destination, I keep getting the same error:
22/08/2012 05:26:46 p.m. - begin Restore
22/08/2012 05:28:45 p.m. - 1 images required
22/08/2012 05:28:45 p.m. - media HPZ950 required
22/08/2012 05:28:45 p.m. - media HPZ963 required
22/08/2012 05:28:48 p.m. - restoring image kamino_1345355900
22/08/2012 05:28:49 p.m. - Info bpbrm(pid=7872) korasa is the host to restore to
22/08/2012 05:28:51 p.m. - Info bpbrm(pid=7872) telling media manager to start restore on client
22/08/2012 05:28:53 p.m. - Info bptm(pid=5528) Waiting for mount of media id HPZ950 (copy 1) on server myarsw00403bk01.
22/08/2012 05:28:53 p.m. - started process bptm (5528)
22/08/2012 05:28:53 p.m. - mounting HPZ950
22/08/2012 05:28:53 p.m. - Info bptm(pid=5528) INF - Waiting for mount of media id HPZ950 on server myarsw00403bk01 for reading.
22/08/2012 05:28:53 p.m. - requesting resource HPZ950
22/08/2012 05:28:53 p.m. - granted resource HPZ950
22/08/2012 05:28:53 p.m. - granted resource HP.ULTRIUM4-SCSI.000
22/08/2012 05:28:54 p.m. - Info bpbrm(pid=7120) korasa is the host to restore to
22/08/2012 05:28:56 p.m. - connecting
22/08/2012 05:28:57 p.m. - Info bpbrm(pid=7120) start tar32 on client
22/08/2012 05:28:59 p.m. - Info tar32(pid=3644) Restore started.
22/08/2012 05:28:59 p.m. - connected; connect time: 00:00:03
22/08/2012 05:29:33 p.m. - mounted; mount time: 00:00:40
22/08/2012 05:29:33 p.m. - Info bptm(pid=5528) HPZ950
22/08/2012 05:29:34 p.m. - Info bptm(pid=5528) INF - Waiting for positioning of media id HPZ950 on server myarsw00403bk01 for reading.
22/08/2012 05:29:34 p.m. - positioning HPZ950 to file 81
22/08/2012 05:30:50 p.m. - positioned HPZ950; position time: 00:01:16
22/08/2012 05:30:52 p.m. - begin reading
22/08/2012 05:30:53 p.m. - Error bptm(pid=5516) cannot write data to socket, 10054
22/08/2012 05:30:53 p.m. - Info bpbrm(pid=7872) child done, status 13
22/08/2012 05:30:53 p.m. - Info bpbrm(pid=7872) sending message to media manager: STOP RESTORE kamino_1345355900
22/08/2012 05:30:53 p.m. - Error bptm(pid=5516) The following files/folders were not restored:
********************** a bunch of files ******************
22/08/2012 05:30:53 p.m. - Error bptm(pid=5516) more than 10 files were not restored, remaining ones are shown in the progress log.
22/08/2012 05:32:56 p.m. - Warning bprd(pid=5896) Restore must be resumed prior to first image expiration on 19/09/2012 02:58:20 a.m.
22/08/2012 05:32:56 p.m. - end Restore; elapsed time: 00:06:10
socket write failed(24)
22/08/2012 05:32:56 p.m. - Info bpbrm(pid=7872) media manager for backup id kamino_1345355900 exited with status 150: termination requested by administrator
So now I am stuck, tried opening the firewall, putting everything in the host file, tried bptestbpcd, bpclntcmd, bpcoverage, bpgetconfig, and I can see every single thing, yet, I can not do a restore. The backups work ok.
What might I have missed? Please assist.