Forum Discussion

Chidobrad's avatar
Level 3
5 years ago

Device configuration wizard cannot configure tape drive from Media servers

Hello Sirs i did the following in my site recently: 

1. upgrade from windows 2008 to windows 2016 - successfull   2. Did a fresh install of netabackup on all servers (1 master and 2 media) - successfull .  3. Did a catalog restore to get all configs and relational databases back to status quo - successfull 4. Had to install tape drives for Operating systems to see tape drives, could use OS to move tapes about via robot on media servers  5. Device configuration wizard is unable to configure the tape drives on media servers (showing only disk instead of "tape & disk" thus unable to backup nor restore via tape. Please i need help on how to fix this issue as its giving me nightmare... please find attached screenshots for correspondence . Any form of recommendation will be highly appreciated

  • Chidobrad 

    You need to check installed license keys on the master server as well as all media server.

    You need all of the following licenses on master and media servers to config shared tape drives:

    Enterprise Server 
    Library based tape drive(s)
    Shared Storage Option

    When you have confirmed all of this, restart NBU on media servers and master server, then verify with output of this command:

    nbemmcmd -listhosts -verbose

    Please post above output as text. 

  • I can't open word doc.

    What do these show on media servers ?

    scan -changer

    scan -tape

    (scan.exe is in Volmgr/bin)

    Attach as text files pls.

      • sdo's avatar

        ok - the robot and four drives are visible to the OS, and also NetBackup can see them - so you now need to follow the advice from other repliers/posters/responders.

  • Sometimes when I have this message I need to run these commands:


    nbemmcmd -updatehost -machinename MEDIA -machinetype media -machinestateop set_tape_active -masterserver MASTER 

    nbemmcmd -updatehost -machinename MEDIA -machinetype media -machinestateop set_master_server_connectivity -masterserver MASTER 


    Fill in your MASTER and MEDIA server names

    • sclind's avatar
      Level 6

      both should be "nbemmcmd" (fixed the post)

    • Chidobrad's avatar
      Level 3

      I tried the commands recommended.. from the GUI media servers changed from "disk to disk and tape" briefly but then changed back after refreshing 

  • Hi,


    Can you please check the license and confirm,


    SHARE STORAGE OPTION is showing "+" or "-" .

    • Chidobrad's avatar
      Level 3

      Apologies, i mistakenly clicked on this as solution ... meanwhile its not... how do i revert this

  • Chidobrad 

    You need to check installed license keys on the master server as well as all media server.

    You need all of the following licenses on master and media servers to config shared tape drives:

    Enterprise Server 
    Library based tape drive(s)
    Shared Storage Option

    When you have confirmed all of this, restart NBU on media servers and master server, then verify with output of this command:

    nbemmcmd -listhosts -verbose

    Please post above output as text. 

    • Chidobrad's avatar
      Level 3

      Hello Marianne,

      Many thanks as your recommendation was the answer. i didnt input SSO on media servers  and that was the cause of the problem. Once i inputted the license, the master server saw it and everything started working fine. many thanks and God bless

