Forum Discussion

jaime_g's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

ERR - Unable to backup System State or Shadow Copy

Hi guys.

ERR - Unable to backup System State or Shadow Copy. Please check the state of VSS and associated Writers.ERR - Unable to backup System State or Shadow Copy. Please check the state of VSS and associated Writers.INF - Estimate:-1 -1


I triggered a BMR backup a months ago and it was successful. But when I triggered again a BMR backup yesterday, it failed and i got an error message.

This error messages display while im performing BMR backup on a SQL server. 

Netbackup version: 

Client OS: windows 2003 r2 standard SP2

Snapshot provider: Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS)


This is the detailed status of the failed backup job.:


 12/4/2013 12:57:31 AM - Info nbjm(pid=4440) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=139050, request id:{5FF2E43A-42B7-4293-B093-D1D8E92DAE36})  

12/4/2013 12:57:31 AM - requesting resource zmunnbu2_dedupe_stu
12/4/2013 12:57:31 AM - requesting resource zmunnbu2.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.zmunsnddw01
12/4/2013 12:57:31 AM - requesting resource zmunnbu2.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.zmunsnddw01_bmrbackup_monthly
12/4/2013 12:57:31 AM - granted resource zmunnbu2.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.zmunsnddw01
12/4/2013 12:57:31 AM - granted resource zmunnbu2.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.zmunsnddw01_bmrbackup_monthly
12/4/2013 12:57:31 AM - granted resource MediaID=@aaaak;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=zmunnbu2_dedupe_disk_pool;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServer=zmunnbu2;MediaServer=zmunnbu2
12/4/2013 12:57:31 AM - granted resource zmunnbu2_dedupe_stu
12/4/2013 12:57:31 AM - estimated 44580081 Kbytes needed
12/4/2013 12:57:31 AM - Info nbjm(pid=4440) started backup job for client zmunsnddw01, policy zmunsnddw01_bmrbackup_monthly, schedule Full_monthly on storage unit zmunnbu2_dedupe_stu
12/4/2013 12:57:31 AM - started process bpbrm (1400)
12/4/2013 12:57:36 AM - connecting
12/4/2013 12:57:38 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=1400) starting bpbkar32 on client         
12/4/2013 12:57:38 AM - connected; connect time: 00:00:02
12/4/2013 12:57:42 AM - Info bpbkar32(pid=1520) Backup started           
12/4/2013 12:57:42 AM - Info bptm(pid=2840) start            
12/4/2013 12:57:42 AM - Info bptm(pid=2840) using 262144 data buffer size        
12/4/2013 12:57:42 AM - Info bptm(pid=2840) setting receive network buffer to 1049600 bytes      
12/4/2013 12:57:42 AM - Info bptm(pid=2840) using 30 data buffers         
12/4/2013 12:57:43 AM - Info bptm(pid=2840) start backup           
12/4/2013 12:57:53 AM - Info bptm(pid=2840) backup child process is pid 7120.6856       
12/4/2013 12:57:53 AM - Info bptm(pid=7120) start            
12/4/2013 12:57:53 AM - begin writing
12/4/2013 1:31:19 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=1400) from client zmunsnddw01: ERR - Unable to backup System State or Shadow Copy. Please check the state of VSS and associated Writers.ERR - Unable to backup System State or Shadow Copy. Please check the state of VSS and associated Writers.INF - Estimate:-1 -1
12/4/2013 2:29:07 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=1400) from client zmunsnddw01: ERR - failure reading file: C:\Program Files\BakBone Software\NetVault\etc\process manager service.lck (WIN32 33: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file. )
12/4/2013 2:52:21 AM - Warning bpbrm(pid=1400) from client zmunsnddw01: WRN - can't open file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\PPSMonitoring.mdf (WIN32 32: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. )
12/4/2013 2:52:21 AM - Warning bpbrm(pid=1400) from client zmunsnddw01: WRN - can't open file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\PPSMonitoring2.mdf (WIN32 32: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. )
12/4/2013 2:52:21 AM - Warning bpbrm(pid=1400) from client zmunsnddw01: WRN - can't open file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\PPSMonitoring2_log.LDF (WIN32 32: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. )
12/4/2013 2:52:21 AM - Warning bpbrm(pid=1400) from client zmunsnddw01: WRN - can't open file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\PPSMonitoring_log.LDF (WIN32 32: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. )
12/4/2013 2:52:21 AM - Warning bpbrm(pid=1400) from client zmunsnddw01: WRN - can't open file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\ReportServer.mdf (WIN32 32: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. )
12/4/2013 2:52:21 AM - Warning bpbrm(pid=1400) from client zmunsnddw01: WRN - can't open file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\ReportServerTempDB.mdf (WIN32 32: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. )
12/4/2013 2:52:21 AM - Warning bpbrm(pid=1400) from client zmunsnddw01: WRN - can't open file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\ReportServerTempDB_log.LDF (WIN32 32: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. )
12/4/2013 2:52:21 AM - Warning bpbrm(pid=1400) from client zmunsnddw01: WRN - can't open file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\ReportServer_log.LDF (WIN32 32: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. )
12/4/2013 2:52:21 AM - Warning bpbrm(pid=1400) from client zmunsnddw01: WRN - can't open file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\SharePoint_AdminContent_78f17ae8-115d-42b4-adc3-d9b22f9e4e86.mdf (WIN32 32: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. )
12/4/2013 2:52:21 AM - Warning bpbrm(pid=1400) from client zmunsnddw01: WRN - can't open file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\SharePoint_AdminContent_78f17ae8-115d-42b4-adc3-d9b22f9e4e86_log.LDF (WIN32 32: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. )
12/4/2013 2:52:21 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=1400) from client zmunsnddw01: TRV - last message being suppressed after 10 occurrences 
12/4/2013 6:55:35 AM - Warning bpbrm(pid=1400) from client zmunsnddw01: WRN - can't open object: Shadow Copy Components: (BEDS 0xE000FECB: A failure occurred accessing the backup component document.)
12/4/2013 6:55:35 AM - Warning bpbrm(pid=1400) from client zmunsnddw01: WRN - can't open object: Shadow Copy Components:\System Service\Event Logs\Event Logs (BEDS 0xE000FEDD: A failure occurred accessing the object list.)
12/4/2013 6:55:35 AM - Warning bpbrm(pid=1400) from client zmunsnddw01: WRN - can't open object: Shadow Copy Components:\System Service\Windows Management Instrumentation\WMI (BEDS 0xE000FEDD: A failure occurred accessing the object list.)
12/4/2013 6:55:35 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=1400) from client zmunsnddw01: ERR - Unable to backup System State or Shadow Copy. Please check the state of VSS and associated Writers.INF - EXIT STATUS 69: invalid filelist specification
12/4/2013 6:55:35 AM - Error bptm(pid=7120) socket operation failed - 10054 (at child.c.1294)      
12/4/2013 6:55:35 AM - Error bptm(pid=7120) unable to perform read from client socket, connection may have been broken 
12/4/2013 6:55:58 AM - Info zmunnbu2(pid=2840) StorageServer=PureDisk:zmunnbu2; Report=PDDO Stats for (zmunnbu2): scanned: 35775024 KB, stream rate: 265.68 MB/sec, CR sent: 58940 KB, dedup: 99.8%
12/4/2013 6:55:59 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=1400) could not send server status message       
12/4/2013 6:56:01 AM - end writing; write time: 05:58:08
12/4/2013 6:56:06 AM - Info bpbkar32(pid=1520) done. status: 13: file read failed       
file read failed(13)
Tried to restart NBU services on both server and client but still backup failed with same errir message.
I really need help. Thank you!
  • Hi guys!


    Thanks for the info! 

    I manually specified a VSS provider on the client machine by this command:

    w2koption.exe -backup -snapshotprovidertype 1

    then I ran a backup on the Master server and It backed up successfully!



    When backing up a windows 2003, the VSS provider must be a Microsoft Software Shadowss Copy by default

    If you have more than one provider registered on a Windows Server 2003-based computer. the Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider (a.k.a. the System Provider) will likely not be used by default and that causes an error


    In the NetBackup version 7.1 and higher client , there is a w2koption command to force NetBackup to use a manually specified provider.

    The 'w2koption' command located in the ....netbackup\bin\  directory provides functionality to force the NBU Client to use a particular provider type.

    w2koption -backup -snapshotprovidertype <0, 1, 2, 3> 

    0   (Let Microsoft Windows decide which provider to use)
    1   (Selects System VSS provider)
    2   (Selects Software VSS provider)
    3   (Selects Hardware VSS provider)

    Example to configure NBU to use the System Provider:
         w2koption -backup -snapshotprovidertype 1


    See the link below for TECHNOTE:

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