Forum Discussion

NBU_13's avatar
Level 6
12 years ago

Exchange individual restore getting fail

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Now, its running fine, I done test backup, but i try to restore individual mails

its getting fail with below error.

12/21/2012 16:49:03 - begin Restore
12/21/2012 16:49:06 - restoring from image stella.businesscontinuity.cl_1356114842
12/21/2012 16:49:06 - Info bprd (pid=5660) Restoring from copy 1 of image created 12/21/12 15:34:02
12/21/2012 16:49:06 - requesting resource @aaaab
12/21/2012 16:49:06 - granted resource MediaID=@aaaab;DiskVolume=D:\;DiskPool=Backup_pool;Path=D:\;StorageServer=nbuserver;MediaServer=nbuserver
12/21/2012 16:49:09 - Info bpbrm (pid=5652) is the host to restore to
12/21/2012 16:49:09 - Info bpbrm (pid=5652) reading file list from client
12/21/2012 16:49:10 - connecting
12/21/2012 16:49:10 - Info bpbrm (pid=5652) start nbfsd on client
12/21/2012 16:49:11 - Info bpbrm (pid=5652) start nbgre on client
12/21/2012 16:49:12 - Info tar32 (pid=0) Restore started
12/21/2012 16:49:12 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
12/21/2012 16:49:35 - Info tar32 (pid=0) done. status: 5
12/21/2012 16:49:35 - Info tar32 (pid=0) done. status: 5: the restore failed to recover the requested files
12/21/2012 16:49:35 - Error bpbrm (pid=5652) client restore EXIT STATUS 5: the restore failed to recover the requested files
12/21/2012 16:49:36 - restored from image stella.businesscontinuity.cl_1356114842; restore time: 0:00:30
12/21/2012 16:49:41 - end Restore; elapsed time 0:00:38
MS-Exchange policy restore error (2810)


Active directory for individual restore are getting successful

but exchange individual restore getting fail with


12/21/2012 16:49:12 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
12/21/2012 16:49:35 - Info tar32 (pid=0) done. status: 5
12/21/2012 16:49:35 - Info tar32 (pid=0) done. status: 5: the restore failed to recover the requested files
12/21/2012 16:49:35 - Error bpbrm (pid=5652) client restore EXIT STATUS 5: the restore failed to recover the requested files
12/21/2012 16:49:36 - restored from image stella.businesscontinuity.cl_1356114842; restore time: 0:00:30
12/21/2012 16:49:41 - end Restore; elapsed time 0:00:38
MS-Exchange policy restore error (2810)

  • You need to tell us more about your restore attempt:

    Restore to same location or different location?
    If different, have you verified requirements and steps in NBU for Exchange manual?

    Please see troubleshooting steps for status 2810 in Status Code Guide:

    NetBackup status code: 2810

    Message: MS-Exchange policy restore error
    Explanation: An error caused the restore of the Exchange data to fail.
    RecommendedAction: Try the following possible solutions in the order presented:
    ■ Ensure that the client server list contains entries for the master server and
    any media servers that can be used during a backup or restore.
    ■ Examine the status or the progress log on the client for messages on why the
    restore failed. Also, check the All Log Entries report on the server.
    ■ Check ownership and permission of the Exchange instance that you restore
    and the directories where files are restored.
    ■ Verify the following log files depending on the type of restore being performed.
    All the log folders are located in the install_path\NetBackup\logs folder.
    ■ beds - All restore operations.
    ■ tar - All restore operations.
    Restores with Granular Recovery Technology (GRT):
    ■ nbfsd - This log appears on the client and the media server.
    ■ ncf - This log uses unified logging and appears on the destination client
    or proxy client.
    ■ ncflbc - This log is for nblbc.exe. It appears on the destination client or
    proxy client.
    ■ ncfgre - This log is for nbgre.exe. It appears on the destination client or
    proxy client.
    Instant Recovery and Instant Recovery off-host:
    ■ bpbkar - For off-host Instant Recovery restores, bpbkar logs on the alternate
    ■ bpfis - This log applies to Instant Recovery rollback restores. For off-host
    Instant Recovery backups, bpfis logs exist on both the primary and the
    alternate clients.
    ■ bppfi - For off-host Instant Recovery restores, bppfi logs on both the
    primary and the alternate clients.
    ■ Check the Exchange Server event viewer for Application and System messages
    related to the restore operation.
    ■ Connect to the server where Exchange is running and launch the restore from
    that server using the Backup, Archive, and Restore GUI.
    ■ Verify that you launched the restore correctly.
    See the NetBackup for Microsoft Exchange Server Administrator’s Guide.
    ■ Correct the problems that you find and retry the restore.


6 Replies

  • You need to tell us more about your restore attempt:

    Restore to same location or different location?
    If different, have you verified requirements and steps in NBU for Exchange manual?

    Please see troubleshooting steps for status 2810 in Status Code Guide:

    NetBackup status code: 2810

    Message: MS-Exchange policy restore error
    Explanation: An error caused the restore of the Exchange data to fail.
    RecommendedAction: Try the following possible solutions in the order presented:
    ■ Ensure that the client server list contains entries for the master server and
    any media servers that can be used during a backup or restore.
    ■ Examine the status or the progress log on the client for messages on why the
    restore failed. Also, check the All Log Entries report on the server.
    ■ Check ownership and permission of the Exchange instance that you restore
    and the directories where files are restored.
    ■ Verify the following log files depending on the type of restore being performed.
    All the log folders are located in the install_path\NetBackup\logs folder.
    ■ beds - All restore operations.
    ■ tar - All restore operations.
    Restores with Granular Recovery Technology (GRT):
    ■ nbfsd - This log appears on the client and the media server.
    ■ ncf - This log uses unified logging and appears on the destination client
    or proxy client.
    ■ ncflbc - This log is for nblbc.exe. It appears on the destination client or
    proxy client.
    ■ ncfgre - This log is for nbgre.exe. It appears on the destination client or
    proxy client.
    Instant Recovery and Instant Recovery off-host:
    ■ bpbkar - For off-host Instant Recovery restores, bpbkar logs on the alternate
    ■ bpfis - This log applies to Instant Recovery rollback restores. For off-host
    Instant Recovery backups, bpfis logs exist on both the primary and the
    alternate clients.
    ■ bppfi - For off-host Instant Recovery restores, bppfi logs on both the
    primary and the alternate clients.
    ■ Check the Exchange Server event viewer for Application and System messages
    related to the restore operation.
    ■ Connect to the server where Exchange is running and launch the restore from
    that server using the Backup, Archive, and Restore GUI.
    ■ Verify that you launched the restore correctly.
    See the NetBackup for Microsoft Exchange Server Administrator’s Guide.
    ■ Correct the problems that you find and retry the restore.


  • Just spend few mins and go through following silent video and refer the transcript attached which has all the pre-reqs outlined.. Let us know if it helps


  • Hi,

    I tried for same location. I tried from master server and also from Netbackup client (BAR) (Exchange server)

    Iam getting same error.

    but Active directory restore is getting successful

    I configured GRT for 2 different server, Exchange and AD server, I tried restore for both, AD get successful, but only issue with Exchange, I tried to restore individual mail.

    Environment :

    Netbackup on master/media server, Exchange server (windows 2008)

    Exchange server 2007.


    I already refer that document for NetBackup status code: 2810, everything looking good.

  • Please show us screenshots of Exchange restore steps as well as tar log file on Exchange client.

  • Hi

    The issue with logon credentials.

    I created new domain user with exchange server and domain controller access and logon

    Netbackup client service, Netbackup legacy client server and Netbackup legacy netbackup service

    Now, restore job is running fine and its completed successfully, but now i cannot able to login java console with master server administrator and password, its giving error with unable to login, invalid user with status 503.



  • This post is about Exchange restore, not Java login, right?

    Pleas close this thread by selecting a post that has helped you and Mark as Solution, then start a new discussion for Java login