Forum Discussion

vamsivaddi's avatar
Level 5
14 years ago

Exchange Information Store

Hi Everyone,

I have exchange 2010 in my environament.

I have to take the backup of Information store.

I have selected following while creating policy.

Type MS- Exchange Server.

snapshot enable. (do i need to select any DAG)

GRT disabled. (as i am taking backup on tape)

backup selection information Store.

Can any one help me out in this issue.

when i am running backup in job monitor client is showing as AJVADAG instead of AJVAMAIL1



Thanks & Regards,

Vamsi Krishna

  • Thank you all,

    For your valuble time and your expertise.


    The issue has been solved.

    The problem is giving an entry in Distributed applications under Host Properties of Master Server.


    Here are the steps followed.



    1. Configure the Master Server\Host Properties\Distributed Application with below entries
        DAG and Mailbox server
        DAG and CAS node

    2.Edit the HOST files on the Master Server, Exchange 2010 mailbox node and CAS NODE as instructed.

         ipaddress              hostname            FQDN
         192.x.x.1               master      
         192.x.x.2               mailbox1   
         192.x.x.3               cas1         
         192.x.x.4               dag                     dag.nbu.comUse complete FQDN.





9 Replies

  • Please open this failed job, select the text in the Details tab and post.

    Please also post your policy config - from cmd, run
    <install-path>\veritas\netbackup\bin\admincmd\bppllist <policy-name> -U

    Please also share more info about your Exchange setup - DAG or Standalone server?

    Please see 'Backup Selection' guidelines on p. 71 of Exchange Server Admin Guide

    Please also let us know which NBU version on Master and Exchange server?

  • Hi,

    Please provide the info which Marianne has requested. For DAG backup, the client is always the Virtual DAG name. You have to specify the Mailbox server name in the preferred server list for Database backup source that you select in the policy attribute.

    Exchange 2010 works using VSS snapshot method, if its not selected job will fail in 156.

    Also note that the Backup selection is always "Exchange_Database_Availability_Groups:\"

    Make sure that the Netbackup client services credentials has Exchange Admin access.

    Its always recommended that you create bpresolver log directory in the Primary Active Manager (PAM)  server of the DAG; so that it could be helpful for troubleshooting any failures.

  • NBU vetrsion of master and media and client are 7.1


    host name ajvamail1

    virtual dag name ajvadag

    any entries to be made in host properties?


    find the output of admincmd>./bppllist exch1 -U



    root@ajva5000 # ./bppllist exch1 -U
    Policy Name:       exch1
      Policy Type:         MS-Exchange-Server
      Active:              yes
      Effective date:      07/09/2011 14:28:43
      Mult. Data Streams:  no
      Client Encrypt:      no
      Checkpoint:          no
      Policy Priority:     25
      Max Jobs/Policy:     Unlimited
      Disaster Recovery:   0
      Collect BMR info:    no
      Residence:           (specific storage unit not required)
      Volume Pool:         daily
      Server Group:        *ANY*
      Keyword:             (none specified)
      Data Classification:       Platinum
      Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:    no
      Exchange Source active db:               yes
      Exchange 2010 Preferred Server: (none defined)
      Application Discovery:      no
      Discovery Lifetime:      0 seconds
      Granular Restore Info:  no
      Ignore Client Direct:  no
      HW/OS/Client:  Windows-x86   Windows2008   ajvadag
      Include:  Microsoft Exchange Database Availability Groups:\
      Schedule:          exch1_mnt_full
        Type:            Automatic Backup
        Maximum MPX:     1
        Synthetic:       0
        PFI Recovery:    0
        Retention Level: 5 (3 months)
        Number Copies:   1
        Fail on Error:   0
        Residence:       (specific storage unit not required)
        Volume Pool:     monthly
        Server Group:    (same as specified for policy)
        Calendar sched: Enabled
          Last day of month
        Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:     0
        Daily Windows:
              Friday     20:00:00  -->  Saturday   01:00:00
      Schedule:          exch1_Weekly_full
        Type:            Automatic Backup
        Maximum MPX:     1
        Synthetic:       0
        PFI Recovery:    0
        Retention Level: 3 (1 month)
        Number Copies:   1
        Fail on Error:   0
        Residence:       (specific storage unit not required)
        Volume Pool:     weekly
        Server Group:    (same as specified for policy)
        Calendar sched: Enabled
          Friday, Week 1
          Friday, Week 2
          Friday, Week 3
          Friday, Week 4
          Friday, Week 5
          EXCLUDE DATE 0 - 09/30/2011
        Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:     0
        Daily Windows:
              Sunday     18:00:00  -->  Monday     05:00:00
              Monday     18:00:00  -->  Tuesday    05:00:00
              Tuesday    18:00:00  -->  Wednesday  05:00:00
              Wednesday  18:00:00  -->  Thursday   05:00:00
              Thursday   18:00:00  -->  Friday     05:00:00
              Friday     15:00:00  -->  Friday     22:00:00
              Saturday   18:00:00  -->  Sunday     05:00:00
      Schedule:          exch_daily_diff
        Type:            Differential Incremental Backup
        Maximum MPX:     1
        Synthetic:       0
        PFI Recovery:    0
        Retention Level: 1 (2 weeks)
        Number Copies:   1
        Fail on Error:   0
        Residence:       (specific storage unit not required)
        Volume Pool:     (same as policy volume pool)
        Server Group:    (same as specified for policy)
        Calendar sched: Enabled
          Sunday, Week 1
          Monday, Week 1
          Tuesday, Week 1
          Wednesday, Week 1
          Thursday, Week 1
          Saturday, Week 1
          Sunday, Week 2
          Monday, Week 2
          Tuesday, Week 2
          Wednesday, Week 2
          Thursday, Week 2
          Saturday, Week 2
          Sunday, Week 3
          Monday, Week 3
          Tuesday, Week 3
          Wednesday, Week 3
          Thursday, Week 3
          Saturday, Week 3
          Sunday, Week 4
          Monday, Week 4
          Tuesday, Week 4
          Wednesday, Week 4
          Thursday, Week 4
          Saturday, Week 4
          Sunday, Week 5
          Monday, Week 5
          Tuesday, Week 5
          Wednesday, Week 5
          Thursday, Week 5
          Saturday, Week 5
          EXCLUDE DATE 0 - 07/31/2011
          EXCLUDE DATE 1 - 08/31/2011
          EXCLUDE DATE 2 - 10/31/2011
          EXCLUDE DATE 3 - 11/30/2011
          EXCLUDE DATE 4 - 12/31/2011
        Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:     0
        Daily Windows:
              Sunday     18:00:00  -->  Monday     05:00:00
              Monday     18:00:00  -->  Tuesday    05:00:00
              Tuesday    18:00:00  -->  Wednesday  05:00:00
              Wednesday  18:00:00  -->  Thursday   05:00:00
              Thursday   18:00:00  -->  Friday     05:00:00
              Friday     05:00:00  -->  Friday     09:00:00
              Saturday   18:00:00  -->  Sunday     05:00:00
    job is failing with following error
    Parent Job  - Log



    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - Info nbjm(pid=22210) starting backup job (jobid=107) for client ajvadag, policy exch1, schedule exch1_Weekly_full 

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=20107) ajvadag is the host to restore data     

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=20107) reading file list from client       

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - Info nbjm(pid=22210) requesting MEDIA_SERVER_ONLY resources from RB for backup job (jobid=107, request id:{4E25A468-AD54-11E0-8D2A-00144FB7B0C4}) 

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - requesting resource Any

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - requesting resource ajva5000.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.ajvadag

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - requesting resource ajva5000.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.exch1

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - requesting resource EXCHANGE_RESOLVER.ajva5000.exch1.ajvadag

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - granted resource ajva5000.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.ajvadag

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - granted resource ajva5000.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.exch1

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - granted resource EXCHANGE_RESOLVER.ajva5000.exch1.ajvadag

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - estimated 0 Kbytes needed

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - begin Parent Job

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - begin Unknown Type, Start Notify Script

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - Info RUNCMD(pid=20101) started           

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - Info RUNCMD(pid=20101) exiting with status: 0        

    Status 0

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - end Unknown Type, Start Notify Script; elapsed time: 00:00:00

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - begin Unknown Type, Step By Condition

    Status 0

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - end Unknown Type, Step By Condition; elapsed time: 00:00:00

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - begin Unknown Type, Read File List

    Status 0

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - end Unknown Type, Read File List; elapsed time: 00:00:00

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - begin Unknown Type, Resolver Discovery

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - started process bpbrm (20107)

    7/13/2011 4:31:22 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=20107) client_pid=59688           

    7/13/2011 4:31:22 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=20107) from client ajvadag: TRV - BPRESOLVER has executed on server (AJVAMAIL1) 

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - Info bpresolver(pid=59688) done.  status: 0        

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - Info bpresolver(pid=59688) done. status: 0: the requested operation was successfully completed   

    Status 0

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - end Unknown Type, Resolver Discovery; elapsed time: 00:00:14

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - begin Unknown Type, Persist Discovery

    Status 0

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - end Unknown Type, Persist Discovery; elapsed time: 00:00:00

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - begin Unknown Type, Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed

    Status 39

    7/13/2011 4:33:38 PM - end Unknown Type, Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed; elapsed time: 00:02:04

    7/13/2011 4:33:38 PM - begin Unknown Type, Stop On Error

    Status 0

    7/13/2011 4:33:38 PM - end Unknown Type, Stop On Error; elapsed time: 00:00:00

    7/13/2011 4:33:38 PM - begin Unknown Type, End Notify Script

    7/13/2011 4:33:38 PM - Info RUNCMD(pid=20265) started           

    7/13/2011 4:33:38 PM - Info RUNCMD(pid=20265) exiting with status: 0        

    Status 0

    7/13/2011 4:33:38 PM - end Unknown Type, End Notify Script; elapsed time: 00:00:00

    Status 39

    7/13/2011 4:33:38 PM - end Parent Job; elapsed time: 00:02:18

    client name mismatch(39)


    Child Job – 1


    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - Info nbjm(pid=22210) starting backup job (jobid=108) for client AJVAMAIL1, policy exch1, schedule exch1_Weekly_full 

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - Info nbjm(pid=22210) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=108, request id:{56BEFF5C-AD54-11E0-B0F2-00144FB7B0C4}) 

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - requesting resource Any

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - requesting resource ajva5000.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.AJVAMAIL1

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - requesting resource ajva5000.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.exch1

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - granted resource ajva5000.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.AJVAMAIL1

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - granted resource ajva5000.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.exch1

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - granted resource WKLY2

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - granted resource HP.ULTRIUM4-SCSI.000

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - granted resource ajva5000-hcart-robot-tld-0

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - estimated 0 Kbytes needed

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - begin Parent Job

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - begin Unknown Type, Step By Condition

    Status 0

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - end Unknown Type, Step By Condition; elapsed time: 00:00:00

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - begin Unknown Type, Read File List

    Status 0

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - end Unknown Type, Read File List; elapsed time: 00:00:00

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - begin Unknown Type, Create Snapshot

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - started process bpbrm (20113)

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - started

    7/13/2011 4:31:35 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=20113) AJVAMAIL1 is the host to backup data from     

    7/13/2011 4:31:36 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=20113) reading file list from client       

    7/13/2011 4:31:36 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=20113) start bpfis on client        

    7/13/2011 4:31:36 PM - begin Create Snapshot

    7/13/2011 4:31:37 PM - Info bpfis(pid=62988) Backup started          

    7/13/2011 4:33:27 PM - Info bpfis(pid=62988) done. status: 0         

    7/13/2011 4:33:27 PM - end Create Snapshot; elapsed time: 00:01:51

    7/13/2011 4:33:28 PM - Info bpfis(pid=0) done. status: 0: the requested operation was successfully completed   

    7/13/2011 4:33:28 PM - end writing

    Status 0

    7/13/2011 4:33:28 PM - end Unknown Type, Create Snapshot; elapsed time: 00:01:54

    7/13/2011 4:33:28 PM - begin Unknown Type, Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed

    Status 39

    7/13/2011 4:33:29 PM - end Unknown Type, Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed; elapsed time: 00:00:01

    7/13/2011 4:33:29 PM - begin Unknown Type, Stop On Error

    Status 0

    7/13/2011 4:33:29 PM - end Unknown Type, Stop On Error; elapsed time: 00:00:00

    7/13/2011 4:33:29 PM - begin Unknown Type, Delete Snapshot On Exit

    7/13/2011 4:33:29 PM - begin Unknown Type, Delete Snapshot On Exit

    7/13/2011 4:33:29 PM - started process bpbrm (20241)

    7/13/2011 4:33:38 PM - end writing

    Status 0

    7/13/2011 4:33:38 PM - end Unknown Type, Delete Snapshot On Exit; elapsed time: 00:00:09

    Status 39

    7/13/2011 4:33:38 PM - end Unknown Type, Delete Snapshot On Exit; elapsed time: 00:00:09

    client name mismatch(39)


    Child Job – 2 (Fails in this job only)


    7/13/2011 4:33:28 PM - Info nbjm(pid=22210) starting backup job (jobid=109) for client AJVAMAIL1, policy exch1, schedule exch1_Weekly_full 

    7/13/2011 4:33:28 PM - Error bpbrm(pid=20230) bpcd on ajvadag exited with status 39: client name mismatch  

    7/13/2011 4:33:28 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=20230) AJVAMAIL1 is the host to backup data from    

    7/13/2011 4:33:28 PM - estimated 0 Kbytes needed

    7/13/2011 4:33:28 PM - Info nbjm(pid=22210) started backup job for client AJVAMAIL1, policy exch1, schedule exch1_Weekly_full on storage unit ajva5000-hcart-robot-tld-0

    7/13/2011 4:33:28 PM - started process bpbrm (20230)

    7/13/2011 4:33:29 PM - Error bpbrm(pid=20230) cannot send mail because BPCD on ajvadag exited with status 39: client name mismatch

    7/13/2011 4:33:29 PM - Info bpbkar(pid=0) done. status: 39: client name mismatch      

    7/13/2011 4:33:29 PM - end writing

    client name mismatch(39)


    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - Info nbjm(pid=22210) starting backup job (jobid=107) for client ajvadag, policy exch1, schedule exch1_Weekly_full 

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=20107) ajvadag is the host to restore data     

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=20107) reading file list from client       

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - Info nbjm(pid=22210) requesting MEDIA_SERVER_ONLY resources from RB for backup job (jobid=107, request id:{4E25A468-AD54-11E0-8D2A-00144FB7B0C4}) 

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - requesting resource Any

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - requesting resource ajva5000.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.ajvadag

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - requesting resource ajva5000.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.exch1

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - requesting resource EXCHANGE_RESOLVER.ajva5000.exch1.ajvadag

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - granted resource ajva5000.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.ajvadag

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - granted resource ajva5000.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.exch1

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - granted resource EXCHANGE_RESOLVER.ajva5000.exch1.ajvadag

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - estimated 0 Kbytes needed

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - begin Parent Job

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - begin Unknown Type, Start Notify Script

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - Info RUNCMD(pid=20101) started           

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - Info RUNCMD(pid=20101) exiting with status: 0        

    Status 0

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - end Unknown Type, Start Notify Script; elapsed time: 00:00:00

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - begin Unknown Type, Step By Condition

    Status 0

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - end Unknown Type, Step By Condition; elapsed time: 00:00:00

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - begin Unknown Type, Read File List

    Status 0

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - end Unknown Type, Read File List; elapsed time: 00:00:00

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - begin Unknown Type, Resolver Discovery

    7/13/2011 4:31:20 PM - started process bpbrm (20107)

    7/13/2011 4:31:22 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=20107) client_pid=59688           

    7/13/2011 4:31:22 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=20107) from client ajvadag: TRV - BPRESOLVER has executed on server (AJVAMAIL1) 

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - Info bpresolver(pid=59688) done.  status: 0        

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - Info bpresolver(pid=59688) done. status: 0: the requested operation was successfully completed   

    Status 0

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - end Unknown Type, Resolver Discovery; elapsed time: 00:00:14

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - begin Unknown Type, Persist Discovery

    Status 0

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - end Unknown Type, Persist Discovery; elapsed time: 00:00:00

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - begin Unknown Type, Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed

    Status 39

    7/13/2011 4:33:38 PM - end Unknown Type, Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed; elapsed time: 00:02:04

    7/13/2011 4:33:38 PM - begin Unknown Type, Stop On Error

    Status 0

    7/13/2011 4:33:38 PM - end Unknown Type, Stop On Error; elapsed time: 00:00:00

    7/13/2011 4:33:38 PM - begin Unknown Type, End Notify Script

    7/13/2011 4:33:38 PM - Info RUNCMD(pid=20265) started           

    7/13/2011 4:33:38 PM - Info RUNCMD(pid=20265) exiting with status: 0        

    Status 0

    7/13/2011 4:33:38 PM - end Unknown Type, End Notify Script; elapsed time: 00:00:00

    Status 39

    7/13/2011 4:33:38 PM - end Parent Job; elapsed time: 00:02:18

    client name mismatch(39)


    Child Job – 1


    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - Info nbjm(pid=22210) starting backup job (jobid=108) for client AJVAMAIL1, policy exch1, schedule exch1_Weekly_full 

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - Info nbjm(pid=22210) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=108, request id:{56BEFF5C-AD54-11E0-B0F2-00144FB7B0C4}) 

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - requesting resource Any

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - requesting resource ajva5000.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.AJVAMAIL1

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - requesting resource ajva5000.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.exch1

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - granted resource ajva5000.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.AJVAMAIL1

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - granted resource ajva5000.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.exch1

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - granted resource WKLY2

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - granted resource HP.ULTRIUM4-SCSI.000

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - granted resource ajva5000-hcart-robot-tld-0

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - estimated 0 Kbytes needed

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - begin Parent Job

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - begin Unknown Type, Step By Condition

    Status 0

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - end Unknown Type, Step By Condition; elapsed time: 00:00:00

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - begin Unknown Type, Read File List

    Status 0

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - end Unknown Type, Read File List; elapsed time: 00:00:00

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - begin Unknown Type, Create Snapshot

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - started process bpbrm (20113)

    7/13/2011 4:31:34 PM - started

    7/13/2011 4:31:35 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=20113) AJVAMAIL1 is the host to backup data from     

    7/13/2011 4:31:36 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=20113) reading file list from client       

    7/13/2011 4:31:36 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=20113) start bpfis on client        

    7/13/2011 4:31:36 PM - begin Create Snapshot

    7/13/2011 4:31:37 PM - Info bpfis(pid=62988) Backup started          

    7/13/2011 4:33:27 PM - Info bpfis(pid=62988) done. status: 0         

    7/13/2011 4:33:27 PM - end Create Snapshot; elapsed time: 00:01:51

    7/13/2011 4:33:28 PM - Info bpfis(pid=0) done. status: 0: the requested operation was successfully completed   

    7/13/2011 4:33:28 PM - end writing

    Status 0

    7/13/2011 4:33:28 PM - end Unknown Type, Create Snapshot; elapsed time: 00:01:54

    7/13/2011 4:33:28 PM - begin Unknown Type, Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed

    Status 39

    7/13/2011 4:33:29 PM - end Unknown Type, Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed; elapsed time: 00:00:01

    7/13/2011 4:33:29 PM - begin Unknown Type, Stop On Error

    Status 0

    7/13/2011 4:33:29 PM - end Unknown Type, Stop On Error; elapsed time: 00:00:00

    7/13/2011 4:33:29 PM - begin Unknown Type, Delete Snapshot On Exit

    7/13/2011 4:33:29 PM - begin Unknown Type, Delete Snapshot On Exit

    7/13/2011 4:33:29 PM - started process bpbrm (20241)

    7/13/2011 4:33:38 PM - end writing

    Status 0

    7/13/2011 4:33:38 PM - end Unknown Type, Delete Snapshot On Exit; elapsed time: 00:00:09

    Status 39

    7/13/2011 4:33:38 PM - end Unknown Type, Delete Snapshot On Exit; elapsed time: 00:00:09

    client name mismatch(39)

  • Please create bpresolver log directory in AJVAMAIL1 under <install_path>\NetBackup\logs

    Initiate the backup and after the failure, attached the bpresolver logs.

    Also, add ajvadag in the master server host properties --> client attributes; post the output of the below command under <install_path>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\

    bpclient -client ajvadag -L

  • Do i need to enter CAS server into host properties under clients.

    Already added DAG and Exchange server

  • Hi Vamsi


    If issue is still same.. Can you try below steps and let me know if it works

    In master server host propertise - Distributed applications Mention all of your Exchange servers entries

    As informed bby Riz earlier while configuring policy make entried of preferred servers (Active and Passive node) and choose the type of backup copy you want (i.e. Active or passive however microsoft recommends to take passive copy backup of exchange 2010 but still you can choose active copy there is no harm unless   you are sure that active copies are healthy)

    addition to this regarding VSS make sure they are stable (if no third party writers are used) on all server in exchange Can you also verify the host name entries and host properties as seen in above logs client name is mismatched... . 


    Do let me know if above helps you.



    Vaibhav Panchal

  • Host Properties plus ALL required steps are described in this HOWTO TN:

    Suggestion: Carefully compare your config with this TN. There is also a link to a HOWTO video that you can watch.

    Please let us know if this helps.


    Hi Marianne,


    I have compared all the steps in this video earlier.

    But still the same status code.

    I have followed both the videos of DAG and Information store videos seperately.

    (i mean DAG or inforamtion store backup any thing is ok for my environament but both ddnt worked giving the same status code 39).

    I haven gave the entryof CAS server in host properties.

    let me do this tomorrow and i will get back to you.

    Thankyou all for your time.


  • Thank you all,

    For your valuble time and your expertise.


    The issue has been solved.

    The problem is giving an entry in Distributed applications under Host Properties of Master Server.


    Here are the steps followed.



    1. Configure the Master Server\Host Properties\Distributed Application with below entries
        DAG and Mailbox server
        DAG and CAS node

    2.Edit the HOST files on the Master Server, Exchange 2010 mailbox node and CAS NODE as instructed.

         ipaddress              hostname            FQDN
         192.x.x.1               master      
         192.x.x.2               mailbox1   
         192.x.x.3               cas1         
         192.x.x.4               dag                     dag.nbu.comUse complete FQDN.