Forum Discussion

Steven05's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

filling my catalog.


I have an alert about filling my catalog.

saved some of my servers (All_Local_Drives) have over ten million files for a full weekly.

the problem may come out of the volume of these servers?

Best regards

  • Apologies, but I don't have any specific answers - i.e. I'm not aware of any ability to tune the compression - i.e. make it faster perhaps by selecting/choosing less agressive compression.

    1) Compression and decompression are known to be CPU expensive.  Some, or more modern, CPUs have CISC features which implment compression in hardware within the CPU itself.  RISC based CPUs would have to use s/w routines to implement compression/decompression.

    2) The delays... is a trade off between capacity and performance.  If compression/decompression were instant and resource impact free, with zero latency, then it would be built in to everything and wouldn't be an option/choice.

    3) Not sure what you mean by this?  What is SEU?

    4) Is your master Unix/Linux or Windows?  The catalog image database compression techniques used by NetBackup Server on Unix/Linux is different to the techniques used on NetBackup Server for Windows.  For Windows based NetBackup Server, it leverages NTFS in-situ folder and file compression (aka:  Windows NTFS "compaction") i.e. it is native to the NTFS file system.  Whereas on Unix/Linux, then NetBackup Server will make calls (in the background and hidden from view) to the 'compress' command at the OS CLI layer.

    4a) There may be methods of tuning these - but I myself am unaware of any options.  If you do find out either way - then please do post an update.  Thx.

7 Replies

  • Maybe these will help:


  • problems encountered after enabling "compress interval catalog" are the following:

    - Over-consumption CPU on the master VM
    - Increased delays of browsing files during a restore "especially for filers"
    - Compression was incompatible with the script that gives SEU list of recent backups available on filesystems filers

    Do you have any ideas for solving this problem?

    Best regards

  • Apologies, but I don't have any specific answers - i.e. I'm not aware of any ability to tune the compression - i.e. make it faster perhaps by selecting/choosing less agressive compression.

    1) Compression and decompression are known to be CPU expensive.  Some, or more modern, CPUs have CISC features which implment compression in hardware within the CPU itself.  RISC based CPUs would have to use s/w routines to implement compression/decompression.

    2) The delays... is a trade off between capacity and performance.  If compression/decompression were instant and resource impact free, with zero latency, then it would be built in to everything and wouldn't be an option/choice.

    3) Not sure what you mean by this?  What is SEU?

    4) Is your master Unix/Linux or Windows?  The catalog image database compression techniques used by NetBackup Server on Unix/Linux is different to the techniques used on NetBackup Server for Windows.  For Windows based NetBackup Server, it leverages NTFS in-situ folder and file compression (aka:  Windows NTFS "compaction") i.e. it is native to the NTFS file system.  Whereas on Unix/Linux, then NetBackup Server will make calls (in the background and hidden from view) to the 'compress' command at the OS CLI layer.

    4a) There may be methods of tuning these - but I myself am unaware of any options.  If you do find out either way - then please do post an update.  Thx.

  • The solution would be to add disk space. Catalog consumption is determined by the amount of files getting backed up and the retention period. You can find a formula to calculate long term space requirements for NBU image catalog in NBU Admin Guide I. Links to manuals in Handy NBU Links in my signature.
  • thank you for your answer.
    I will carry out an addition of disk space.

    I would like to know what are the advantages and inconveniant if I should archive the data?

  • Catalog Archiving should be absolute last resort.

    The only advantage to CatArc is reduced disk space.

    Disadvantage is that before a restore, you will need to restore archived catalogs first - requiring disk space.
    The tapes used for CatArc must also remain in the library - they can never be taken offsite. 

    See NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume I   - Chapter 22 :
    ■ Archiving the catalog and restoring from the catalog archive
    ■ Estimating catalog space requirements

    You may also want to have a look at this discussion: How big should my cataloge be